Need help telling the difference between two breeds?

I have another breed test and this time it is on the working dogs. I am having a difficult time telling the difference between and <a href="">Alaskan Malamute</a> and a Siberian Husky. Any suggestions? Thank you.You will be proud to know that I made a 100% on the…

    Need help telling the difference between two breeds?

    I have another breed test and this time it is on the working dogs. I am having a difficult time telling the difference between and <a href="">Alaskan Malamute</a> and a Siberian Husky. Any suggestions? Thank you.You will be proud to know that I made a 100% on the…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Need help telling the difference between two breeds?...

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    • Need help telling the difference between two breeds?

      Need help telling the difference between two breeds? Dog Breed Discussions
      I have another breed test and this time it is on the working dogs. I am having a difficult time telling the difference between and Alaskan Malamute and a Siberian Husky. Any suggestions? Thank you.You will be proud to know that I made a 100% on the Sporting group and the Hound group! Let's hope I can do as well on the Working group.

      Need help telling the difference between two breeds?

      Need help telling the difference between two breeds? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Malamutes tend to be bigger and bulkier, Sibes more slender. That's how i tell them apart!ETA: I don't go on tails because both can have a curled tail, i don't go on eyes either purely because i've known Sibe's to have brown eyes like the Malamute. If they were stood next to each other you could easily tell the difference. I think it's quite easy to tell the two apart.

    • Here is a picture of a Malamute: here is one of a Siberian Husky you can see, the Malamute is bigger and stronger. Malamute Husky

    • Mals have small rounded ears that come out of the side of their head. Sibes have larger, pointier ears that grow from the top of their heads. Mals are a larger heavier built dog while sibes are much smaller and lighter build. Mals tails are curled and carried over the back. Sibe's tails are straight and carried low. Mals eye color should be as dark as possible and sibes eye color blue eyes are fine. I hope that this helps

    • You and your breed tests! :)I understand people getting confused between the Malamute and the Husky, that's more common. Like I said in my other post for your Lab question, review the standards-Husky >>> >>> my experience-Alaskan Malamutes are larger, and have brown eyes. Sibes run between 40-60lbs depending on sex and breeding, and typically have blue eyes. Siberians have larger ears. Mals run up to 80 or 90lbs also depending on sex and breeding. The males can be up to 150lbs. Malamutes do NOT have blue eyes, they have BROWN!Here's an excellent chart that can help answer some of your questions >>> I would say during your test, focus on the build and the eyes more. Here-Husky >>> >>> good web sites here >>> [SCROLL DOWN]ADD-Don't go by tails. BOTH breeds -can- AND -DO- have tails that curl over.Good Luck :D [BTW how'd you do on your other test?]ADD-Malamute Breeder's stolen source...

    • One comes from Siberia while the other hails from Alaska, though the exact origins of both breeds remain questionable. The Siberian Husky and Alaskan Malamute may look similar and be regularly confused but the two are vastly different canine breeds. A common mistake often overheard are the terms Alaskan Husky or Siberian Malamute. Occasionally, one may even come across pet ads referencing Alaskan Huskies or Siberian Malamutes. Size, temperament, function, and breed history are among the differences between the two Spitz breeds. The illustrated standard, such as, tail set, eye color and disqualifications also separate the Husky and the Malamute.Malamutes are naturally heavier and taller than Huskies, being all around larger canines, according to breed standards. A male Malamute weighs 85 pounds while the female is 10 pounds lighter. Compared with this, the male Husky's 45 to 60 pound standard does not even come close. A female Husky should weigh anywhere from 35 to 50 pounds, ideally. This difference becomes even more surprising when stacking a 75 pound female Malamute up against a 35 pound female Husky. Clearly the Malamute is a much larger, heavier dog. Height also show differences between the overall size of a Malamute compared to a Husky. Malamute males stand 25 inches tall while their female counterparts height standard is 23 inches. The Siberian Husky is a slightly shorter dog as the males can be 21 to 23.5 inches tall. At their tallest the male Husky is still 1.5 inches shorter than the Malamute. The comparable height difference is similar for the females of each breed since a female Husky stands between 20 and 22 inches. Overall, a Husky has a smaller build and frame than does a Malamute, which sports a wider, heavier or thicker build.Huskies can be described, positively, as adventurous, alert, and clever. On the other hand, in a less positive light, the temperament of a Husky can be summed up as independent, obstinate, mischievous and stubborn. They have been known as a difficult breed to keep, especially by those who desire, simply, a companion dog. Training can become problematic with breeds who exhibit a stubborn streak. One redeeming quality about the Husky is that they are generally friendly toward other dogs and other pets. The temperament of a Malamute is even and accurately described as family oriented, fun-loving, powerful and well behaved. While they are very affectionate towards family and people, the downfall of a Malamute's temperamentis the possible aggression and dominance of other dogs, pets and livestock.The function and history of each breed continue to illustrate the many differences that, often, go unseen. While it's true that both breeds were developed as sled dogs, they are greatly different types of sled dogs. The Malamute, being larger and stronger, was developed to haul heavy loads. The compact and heavy boned design of a Malamute is naturally equipped for the endurance and strength needed for heavy sled pulling. A Malamute's history dates back to before 1700, at which time they were loyal to the Mahlemuts, an Inuit people, that inhabited Alaska's northwest coast. They were used to haul the heavy carcasses of hunted seal or polar bear back to the village. This necessitated that they were strong and large instead of being fast. The Malamute gained recognition from the AKC in 1935, five years after the Husky completed the same feat. Huskies, also sled dogs, were created to carry lighter loads much faster across huge distances. Originally a dog of nomadic people, the Husky became well known in 1909 when a sled team was brought over from Siberia and entered in the All-Alaska sweepstakes race, which spanned an incredible 408 miles. One racer imported and entered three separate teams of Huskies. The three teams placed first, second and fourth and ever since, the Husky has been known, not for sled pulling, but, instead, as racing sled dogs. They also beat the Malamute by earning their AKC recognition first, in 1930.An illustrated or breed standard exists for every purebred dog and that is exactly where we can find a final few differences between these beautiful Arctic breeds. One of the most noticeable, physical differences is the tail set of each breed. Many will say that they both have big bushy tails but upon closer inspection it's easy to see that Malamutes carry their tail up over their back, while the Husky's tail is set low and curved to one side, similar to a sickle. Eye color differences are also present and are easy to identify. According to breed standards, Malamutes are only allowed to have brown eyes with slight variations, ranging from light brown to darker browns. Malamutes are considered disqualified, to register or compete, if they have blue eyes. Huskies, on the other hand, are allowed to have blue, brown or any combination of blue and brown eyes. Huskies can be disqualified, for registration or competition, if they are too tall. When male Huskies are taller than 23.5 inches and females exceed 22 inches, disqualifications will occur. The ears and muzzles of each breed are also different from one another. A Malamute will posses medium size triangular shaped ears that have slightly rounded tips and a large slightly square muzzle. A Husky has taller, fully erect ears with rounded tips and a muzzle that is longer and more narrow than that of a Malamute.Who knew that two canine breeds that look so much alike and could even be mistaken as the same, have so many differences. The Alaskan Malamute and the Siberian Husky are not alone when it comes to looking similar or the same but being so different and separate from one another. There are a few other canine breeds that deceive people into thinking they are one in the same even though they have many different traits.