Should i get a Siberian Husky or an Alaskan Malamute?

I realy like them both. i just cant decide. ive met huskies but never any alaskan malamutes.

    Should i get a Siberian Husky or an Alaskan Malamute?

    I realy like them both. i just cant decide. ive met huskies but never any alaskan malamutes....
    Dog Breed Discussions : Should i get a Siberian Husky or an Alaskan Malamute?...

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    • Should i get a Siberian Husky or an Alaskan Malamute?

      Should i get a Siberian Husky or an Alaskan Malamute? Dog Breed Discussions
      I realy like them both. i just cant decide. ive met huskies but never any alaskan malamutes.

      Should i get a Siberian Husky or an Alaskan Malamute?

      Should i get a Siberian Husky or an Alaskan Malamute? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Both are gentle by nature.Both will be great pets if you can afford the food bills.Since you have been with huskies, try and find someone with malamutes before you decide.You may find room in your budget for 1 of each.

    • I've had two Alaskan Malamutes and they are great dogs, no experience with a Husky. Malamutes have great temperament with kids and are VERY loyal. Our's were great when people came over - they would let you know if someone pulled up in the driveway but NEVER bit anyone - and if we were not home people would NOT get out of their car!

    • Please, research both breeds very carefully to be sure they fit your lifestyle. I have a Siberian Husky and know the energy level, the escape artist possibility, the never trust her off a leash kind of dog, the digger, the runner, the small animal prey instinct, the you-steel-the-stuff-while-I-sleep attitude. . . just research first, please. Not all traits and behaviors are right for every person. I love my husky, but I sure wish she was a protector!! :)

    • It really depends on what personality you are looking for. Also malamutes are going to be slightly bigger. Huskies are more hipper, of course there are exceptions as in every breed. They were bred for speed in sled racing and love to run. they can neveer be trusted off leash and are great escape artists and easily bored. Malamutes were bred for the strength in the sled teams and tend to be more layed back. However they are bigger so there will be alot more up keep and more shedding. I have two huskies and I love them to dead. Both breed need good responbile handlers thought because they are both very stubborn minded. Good Luck!

    • I have 2 Siberian Huskies and everything that "tejas_yuk" said about huskies is absolutely true. PLEASE do some research on this breed of dog - I love my 2 dogs, but huskies have some personality traits that are not for everyone