Whats your thoughts about these dog breeds?

Siberian HuskyAlaskan MalamuteGerman ShepardAkitaPugIm getting a dog for my birthday and those are the ones im considering getting.I have been doing research of all these breeds and they all seem to fit well with my lifestyle. Also, I have owned a dog…

    Whats your thoughts about these dog breeds?

    Siberian HuskyAlaskan MalamuteGerman ShepardAkitaPugIm getting a dog for my birthday and those are the ones im considering getting.I have been doing research of all these breeds and they all seem to fit well with my lifestyle. Also, I have owned a dog…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Whats your thoughts about these dog breeds?...

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    • Whats your thoughts about these dog breeds?

      Whats your thoughts about these dog breeds? Dog Breed Discussions
      Siberian HuskyAlaskan MalamuteGerman ShepardAkitaPugIm getting a dog for my birthday and those are the ones im considering getting.I have been doing research of all these breeds and they all seem to fit well with my lifestyle. Also, I have owned a dog before, but he passed.

      Whats your thoughts about these dog breeds?

      Whats your thoughts about these dog breeds? Dog Breed Discussions
    • All of them are wonderful dogs and in the hands of an experienced owner make great pets. All of these dogs expect for the Pug, aren't for first time dog owners. You need to RESEARCH before getting a dog, dogs aren't gifts.

    • Those are all very different breeds - not sure where the Pug fits in, but getting a dog requires a lot of research - more than just asking people's opinions on the internet. What may be a good dog for one person may not be good for another. For instance, none of those breeds would appeal to me, so I can't really recommend any of them.This is a good place to start your research: http://www.akc.org

    • All of these dogs except the pug requires strong leadership and experienced handlers. All of them blow coat like you can't believe. Hair will be everywhere. Do research on each breed: yourpurebredpuppy.com dogtime.com akc.org

    • I would suggest that you use a breed selector web site to help narrow down which dog is best for you. The web site of http://animal.discovery.com/breedselector/dogselectorindex.do, is a good one to find the right breed and decide which is best for you. I have friends who own a Siberian Husky and he is a loving and friendly dog, but he is also a dog that is tough to control due to his size and strength and requires lots and lots of walking. What ever breed you decided on, i definately suggest going to visit the litter of puppies and watch the puppies play to determine which puppy of that breed is best for you, each litter will have shy dogs and one that is dominate over the rest. Good Luck and congratulations on adding a lifelong friend to your family!

    • All of those breeds can be excellent pets for the right people with the right home environments. The question is, Would YOU be the best owner for one of those breeds? Do some research on the characteristics (size, shedding, health problems, amount of exercise needed, ease of housebreaking, ease of training, personality, temperament, etc. and only then make your decision. Don't be afraid to consider other breeds, too. Four of the breeds on your list are poor choices for beginners.

    • I recommendd the Siberian Husky. veryGreatt dog. The German Shepard is good too. i prefer big dogs. the Pug gets a little aggressive. im not toofamiliarr with the alaskan malamute, but ive heard they r good dogs. You should do alot of research, but whatever dog you decide to get, you will love him (or her) get a him unless you dont want them to run alot then get a girl but then you hav sassy problems and you dont want that. but seriously, get the husky or the german. byyeeee now.