Can an American Bulldog be a good house pet?

I was given a 6wk old American <a href="">Bulldog</a> and i have a 5year old daughter and 15 and 16 year old sons.

    Can an American Bulldog be a good house pet?

    I was given a 6wk old American <a href="">Bulldog</a> and i have a 5year old daughter and 15 and 16 year old sons....
    Dog Breed Discussions : Can an American Bulldog be a good house pet?...

    • Can an American Bulldog be a good house pet?

      Can an American Bulldog be a good house pet? Dog Breed Discussions
      I was given a 6wk old American Bulldog and i have a 5year old daughter and 15 and 16 year old sons.

      Can an American Bulldog be a good house pet?

      Can an American Bulldog be a good house pet? Dog Breed Discussions
    • they are very nice if they are from proven bloodlines and from a reputable breeder,,, 6 weeks is too young to be removed from the littermates,, the pup will miss out on certain socializing.. bulldogs have health issues also,, this could prove to be very expensive.. find out all you can about both parents of this pup

    • Of course it is! My man's brother has had one for the last 15 years and has a 16 year old boy and a 20ish year old son and the dog has been around my man's boy who is now 10 and he will be around his 10 month old daughter.

    • Yes it can. It all depends on the training of the puppy. You will have to spend time (like anyother dog) and train it, and show the puppy it is a part of the family and it will end up being more respectful and protective of your family. Good Luck!

    • i have an american bull dog ( butters ) and she is very abnoctous and jumps up when ever you pet her , but if you are one on one with her she is a sweet-hart . so for this type of dog you should be jsut you and her ! good luck~~~

    • most dogs can make good hosue pets, it just takes a little training and understanding for the most part. with mid age teens, that's no problem either, the 5 year old you'll have to teacha bit about dogs but other wise there's no problems. just read up on the breed a bit and see about temperments and genetic problems first before you finalize the deal of getting a dog of any breed. also, don't forget to spay/neuter your pets! ^^

    • Yes they can provided that you are willing to live by some ground rules and that you put some time and effort into training the dog. They can be wonderful pets but they can be headstrong and require a firm owner that will follow through with training.I have worked with several that were great pets and lived just fine with not only kid but cats and other dogs as well.

    • American Bulldogs are amazing housepets. Make sure you teach your pup housemanners, such as not getting on the furniture or jumping on people, or stealing food from your kids. Make sure your children are taught how to act around dogs and what to and not to do, such as hitting or kicking, ear pulling or tail pulling, etc. Crate training your pup is an easy and effective house training method, and solves lots of other problems and creates well trained dogs as well, so make sure you do that as well. They're very intelligent dogs and pick up quickly.