Can two male dog's get along, one being an american bulldog?

Well I was wondering if these guys would get along, one being a male golden retriever pretty scared of other dog's, but starts playing eventually! The Golden retriever will be neutered way before we get the american <a href="">bulldog</a>, but what about the american <a href=""></a>…

    Can two male dog's get along, one being an american bulldog?

    Well I was wondering if these guys would get along, one being a male golden retriever pretty scared of other dog's, but starts playing eventually! The Golden retriever will be neutered way before we get the american <a href="">bulldog</a>, but what about the american <a href=""></a>…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Can two male dog's get along, one being an american bulldog?...

    • Can two male dog's get along, one being an american bulldog?

      Can two male dog's get along, one being an american bulldog? Dog Breed Discussions
      Well I was wondering if these guys would get along, one being a male golden retriever pretty scared of other dog's, but starts playing eventually! The Golden retriever will be neutered way before we get the american bulldog, but what about the american bulldog, he will be a male and neutered ASAP, probably at 6 months old. Do you think they'll get along, I'll have them separated when not home, but I really don't want my golden retriever in a fight, nor the other dog. I really don't want to keep them separated all the time. I've had a male bullmastiff, and Gsd mix get along great with my dog, just asking for opinions. I just want to know first hand from owner's of an american bulldog.

      Can two male dog's get along, one being an american bulldog?

      Can two male dog's get along, one being an american bulldog? Dog Breed Discussions
    • It's possible but not likely. The American Bulldog is not generally a dog-friendly dog and would do better with a female rather than another male. NEVER separate your dogs....canines are pack animals that MUST work out their positions or they fight for them at every opportunity. Same gendered pairs will always fight more ferociously and keeping them separate only increases that ferocity...often they will fight to the death.I would strongly suggest having a professional trainer/handler walk you through the introductions and making sure your home is ready for such a challenge if you're set on doing it. But honestly, it's not very fair to the Golden Retriever, who's already fearful of other dogs, to bring another dog into his home, much less such a dominate breed. (The American Bulldog is NOTHING like the Bulldog.)

    • if they are starting to play now, you get them both neutered they should get along just fine! Always watch though, one may try to have be more dominant but Goldie's always warm up to other dogs. And if you get a full american bulldog, they are very sweet as well, their looks are completely deceiving. I would cont. to separate them until you know they get along very well. You already are on the right track for having them neutered!!!!

    • I don't own an American Bulldog but I DO have two intact males who coexist quite happily. Neither is neutered. We'll be adding a third male on Monday and, because they are worked with every single day, I don't foresee any issues. Breeds are 9 year old Smooth Collie, nearly 2 year old Bluetick Coonhound, and a 10 week old Xoloitzcuintle.

    • Well I do not have personal experience with American Bulldogs,However my boyfriend has 4 Labrador Retrievers, all male, and they all get alone. They were not all got at the same time and range in age from 7 years to 5 months. It is just a matter of properly socializing the dogs, before and after the new addition.With my boyfriends dogs sure, sometimes there is issues with pack hierarchy, especially as one is getting older (he is still the dominant member of the pack, but is more frequently challanged by the 2 year old dog). But keep positive, and if you are worried about introducing them, ask a friend who has lots of experience with dogs, or have a dog trainer come to your home.

    • Pregnant After Unsafe Sex?Here are answers and opinions from FAQ Farmers:You can take a pregnancy test one day after you are late for your period. Everyone is different so I can't give you a date to take it. It doesn't matter how old you are though. Wait until you are late and take a home test. If you are still unsure go see a doctor. I don't know what area you are in, but there are usually free clinics you can go to to get tested and help. They can also help you choose a birth control that will work for you if you plan to continue to have sex. Try looking up "planned parenthood" or "pregnancy" in the yellow pages of your phone book. Good luck and please use protection from now on. Or just don't have sex, then you never have to worry about being pregnant. Condoms are cheap and easy to get and use. I hope this helps answer your question, please be safe.I would wait until you miss a period, or if your period isn't "normal". Take a HPT. If it's still negative and you still feel symptoms of pregnancy go to the doctor. He can do a blood test. It could be your Hcg was too low to detect. But you will at least know! Good luck!