whats the difference between a white boxer and an American Bulldog?

they look like the same dog to me?The other day I asked someone a question about their american <a href="https://dogencyclopedia.net/articles/entry/8-bulldog/?s=42837afae9d7c0776677405afe6a07d8bcc33257">bulldog</a> and they told me their dog was a white boxer. I have never seen a white boxer before so just assumed the dog was an american <a href="https://dogencyclopedia.net/articles/entry/8-bulldog/?s=42837afae9d7c0776677405afe6a07d8bcc33257">bulldog</a>. So what is…

    whats the difference between a white boxer and an American Bulldog?

    they look like the same dog to me?The other day I asked someone a question about their american <a href="https://dogencyclopedia.net/articles/entry/8-bulldog/?s=42837afae9d7c0776677405afe6a07d8bcc33257">bulldog</a> and they told me their dog was a white boxer. I have never seen a white boxer before so just assumed the dog was an american <a href="https://dogencyclopedia.net/articles/entry/8-bulldog/?s=42837afae9d7c0776677405afe6a07d8bcc33257">bulldog</a>. So what is…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : whats the difference between a white boxer and an American Bulldog?...

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    • whats the difference between a white boxer and an American Bulldog?

      whats the difference between a white boxer and an American Bulldog? Dog Breed Discussions
      they look like the same dog to me?The other day I asked someone a question about their american bulldog and they told me their dog was a white boxer. I have never seen a white boxer before so just assumed the dog was an american bulldog. So what is the difference, they look just alike

      whats the difference between a white boxer and an American Bulldog?

      whats the difference between a white boxer and an American Bulldog? Dog Breed Discussions
    • The Boxer is an AKC accepted breed. White is a color Boxers come in.American Bulldog is not recognized by AKC. The name is used to cover a variety of appearances so it isn't any wonder you were confused.Sorry Rayven, the "American Bulldogs" I have seen didn't look like they fit any standard any more than a bunch of shelter pit bulls. I suspect people call them American Bulldog because pit bulls are so unpopular around here.

    • They look extremely similar especially if you get a large boxer, but American Bulldogs look like Pit Bulls on steroids and are generally large boned than boxers.Boxers are easy to recognized since they NEVER sit still ;)

    • 2 completely different breeds! They look completely diff and also act completely diff! Here are some pics so u can see... www.fullforceamericanbulldogs.com/Chopper.html... American Bull..he a pretty man! :)www.aurorakennel.net/boarding.nxg... boxer.. so cute! :)I love them both.. there is also a pretty good size diff. Boxer:Males stand between 57-63 cm (23-25 inches) tall and weigh around 30-32kg (66-70lb), and females 53-59 cm (21-23 inches) weighing around 25-27kg (55-60lb).American Bull: Height- Dogs 22-28 inches (55-70 cm.) Bitches 20-26 inches (52-65 cm.)Weight- Dogs 70-120 pounds (32-54 kg.) Bitches 60-100 pounds (27-45kg.)Hope this helps! ~:)

    • Marci American Bulldog does NOT cover anything more than the ACTUAL breed to anyone who knows better and can actually tell dogs apart.And the difference? Two different breeds obviously. One is a boxer the other is an American Bulldog. They look alike because because the have the same build and similar facial structure. Am. Bulldogs however don't have docked tails. I can see where you would be confused though.

    • the different size and how there bones are built and two different barks . they also have different fur patterns which make them stand out A lot of times .and last ..... drum roll please .....there personality ! : ) hope i helped A LOT peace .

    • They are two different breeds and Marci is right... the AKC recognizes the Boxer but not the AmBull. I can see where you would confuse the two as they do look somewhat similar. Kind of like how people confuse Cane Corsos, Dogos and about a bajillion others with pit bulls.

    • A white boxer is a fault in the breed. I know i had one for 9 years and i delt with all the health problems a white boxer can have short of deafness. His hearing was just fine but he still chose to ignore me.I now have american bulldogs and there is a lot of differences.Boxers are lighter in build, and have shorter muzzles and narrower heads.Boxers are bouncy and often show great intellegence.American bulldogs are breed to work and have a looser conformation because of the variety of working backgrounds they are used for.Johnson's Bulldogs are heavy and mastiffy in build. Have stronge defensive drive and are more willing man biters.Performance bulldogs are lighter in build and longer muzzles. They have stronge prey drive but less often show protection drive. Not that it can not be developed with a little training.Protection dogs were bred to hunt hogs and work cattleBoxers have long since lost any working drive short of dog sports training.European boxers look a lot more like Johnson bulldogs with more leg.Performance bulldogs are more often mistake for large pits.All three can have white pups in any litter, all three can suffer from deaf white dog syndrome. Boxers are german is development.Bulldogs are english and then re-developed in america to fit our needs. American bulldogs are a southern breed the vast majority of lines coming from Georgia, Alabama and Florida. Hope that helps if not go to http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0geusEa3flKPNwAdx1XNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTB2MGZwb3RuBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkA01BUDAxMF8xMTc-/SIG=140absvu0/EXP=1257975450/**http%3a//images.search.yahoo.com/search/images%3f_adv_prop=image%26fr=yfp-t-701-s%26va=white%2bboxers%26sz=allhttp://www.rorexamericanbulldogs.com/FUN.htmlhttp://www.johndjohnsonkennels.com/