Is there anything you can do to help with gas in American Bulldogs?

We have an American <a href="">Bulldog</a> with a lot of gas. Is there any kind of food or something that could help ease the gas problem?We give her basic puppy chow. She's not allowed table foods and she gets treats but they are limited.

    Is there anything you can do to help with gas in American Bulldogs?

    We have an American <a href="">Bulldog</a> with a lot of gas. Is there any kind of food or something that could help ease the gas problem?We give her basic puppy chow. She's not allowed table foods and she gets treats but they are limited....
    Dog Breed Discussions : Is there anything you can do to help with gas in American Bulldogs?...

    • Is there anything you can do to help with gas in American Bulldogs?

      Is there anything you can do to help with gas in American Bulldogs? Dog Breed Discussions
      We have an American Bulldog with a lot of gas. Is there any kind of food or something that could help ease the gas problem?We give her basic puppy chow. She's not allowed table foods and she gets treats but they are limited.

      Is there anything you can do to help with gas in American Bulldogs?

      Is there anything you can do to help with gas in American Bulldogs? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Just keep their diet very strict, no table scraps or lots of treats. Just keep their main diet very stable. They make gas relief products, usually sold at pet stores. Here's some at petco:

    • Gas usually means something doesn't agree with his stomach. What food are you feeding? I would try a high quality limited ingredient food and see if that helps. It could also be a certain ingredient. My friends boxer can not eat beef with out tons of gas so they feed a limited ingredient chicken based food and have no issues anymore with gas.Added: You say basic Puppy Chow. That makes me thing purina which is not a good food and could easily be the cause of gas. it's full of corn, by products and all sorts of crappy ingredients. Look into limited ingredient foods, they make a world of difference for tempermental tummies. The raised food is also a great idea to try.

    • Elevating their dishes helps. They take in a lot of air when eating from dishes on the floor. I have a pug/Boston terrier mix who had same issues and our vet told us to buy one of those raised pet dish holders. Worked!!!