Do american bulldogs get along with other dogs well?

I already have a Lab who is 9 &amp; in December i'm getting an American <a href="">Bulldog</a> puppy. I know they can be raised to be agressive if trained to be that way but if the puppy grows up with the other dog he should be fine with others right?I'm in college &amp;…

    Do american bulldogs get along with other dogs well?

    I already have a Lab who is 9 &amp; in December i'm getting an American <a href="">Bulldog</a> puppy. I know they can be raised to be agressive if trained to be that way but if the puppy grows up with the other dog he should be fine with others right?I'm in college &amp;…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Do american bulldogs get along with other dogs well?...

    • Do american bulldogs get along with other dogs well?

      Do american bulldogs get along with other dogs well? Dog Breed Discussions
      I already have a Lab who is 9 & in December i'm getting an American Bulldog puppy. I know they can be raised to be agressive if trained to be that way but if the puppy grows up with the other dog he should be fine with others right?I'm in college & living away from home so the dogs live with my dad but he works during the day so having a new puppy around should keep my other dog entertained right?

      Do american bulldogs get along with other dogs well?

      Do american bulldogs get along with other dogs well? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Doesn't sound like a good idea.. you need to get a dog with an equal energy to your current one. Also, the new pup will need training, and if your dad isn't there, then maybe now isn't a good time for a puppy. It will most likely cause more grief for your older dog, and there could be fights that break out during the day... so best to keep them separated.. just NOT a good IDEA... sorry.ALSO.. it's not really the breed that will cause problems.. it is the leadership they are recieving from you. I've got 3 dogs.. 2 pit bulls, and one great dane.. and tahnks to a lot of hard work on my part, they are a well-adjusted pack; me being their leader.

    • I do not know about american bull dogs but one thing I do know is dogs and dogs get along well; cats and cats, welllllll a little catty!!!But girls and girls boy I think they use the word " bitchy".Howzaaat!!!!????

    • Not only can they be trained to br aggressive, but if you don't have enough time to spend with it, it will still become agressive... you have to introduce them to all sorts of dogs, otherwise they can still be dog-aggressive ...also, aggression is part genetic , so make sure you buy from a reputable breed and meet the parents! make sure they are friendly to strangers!

    • The breed is not the issue. The particular dog is the issue. How it was raised, whether it was abused, whether it has been socialized and properly introduced to other dogs before. Whether it's an American bulldog, or an English giraffe is besides the point. But you have to remember all dogs descend from wolves, they all have some wild left in them - Not just bulldogs or pit bulls or whatever other dog stereotype you have in mind. My friend has a pit bull and it's the sweetest best behaved dog I've ever had the pleasure of meeting XD

    • Having a new puppy around during the day means your dog might just be annoyed and miserable being pestered by the puppy all day. The puppy is pretty likely to be bored and destructive and destroy stuff in the yard when he's outside all day. American bulldogs can be aggressive with other dogs-be sure to get one from a reputable breeder with dogs that are good with other dogs.

    • Yeah Labs are great,i had a black Lab,best duck hunting dog ever,unfortunitly she died,any way yeah but the Lab was there 1st so your Lab may become very teritorial.DON'T let the puppy around your lab while eating,cause thatmay become a tragic event.

    • Of course all dogs get along with each other as long as the master raises them right. There is only one exception that would make them not get along and that would be that one of the dogs are not mentally stable.