Will I regret getting rid of my pets?

the backstory: I live with my girlfriend and our two dogs (english/american <a href="https://dogencyclopedia.net/articles/entry/8-bulldog/?s=3fbadd33fbc22e920e991ec6bb60c0bc35917991">bulldog</a> and a lab/coonhound). We've had the dogs for about two years, and I am extremely attached to them both, especially the <a href="https://dogencyclopedia.net/articles/entry/8-bulldog/?s=3fbadd33fbc22e920e991ec6bb60c0bc35917991">bulldog</a> who I raised since he was seven weeks old.…

    Will I regret getting rid of my pets?

    the backstory: I live with my girlfriend and our two dogs (english/american <a href="https://dogencyclopedia.net/articles/entry/8-bulldog/?s=3fbadd33fbc22e920e991ec6bb60c0bc35917991">bulldog</a> and a lab/coonhound). We've had the dogs for about two years, and I am extremely attached to them both, especially the <a href="https://dogencyclopedia.net/articles/entry/8-bulldog/?s=3fbadd33fbc22e920e991ec6bb60c0bc35917991">bulldog</a> who I raised since he was seven weeks old.…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Will I regret getting rid of my pets?...

    • Will I regret getting rid of my pets?

      Will I regret getting rid of my pets? Dog Breed Discussions
      the backstory: I live with my girlfriend and our two dogs (english/american bulldog and a lab/coonhound). We've had the dogs for about two years, and I am extremely attached to them both, especially the bulldog who I raised since he was seven weeks old. They are the sweetest. But I have some worries. We are not wealthy, but we get by. But if sh*t hits the fan, we don't have the disposable income right now to fix a serious illness or injury. The dogs also have affected our sex life. It's hard to get horny with two dogs staring at you all the time and often whining. We also currently live in a one-bedroom apartment, and I try to exercise them regularly, but I know they would prefer a place with a yard, which I may be able to move into in a few months. So, I've been tossing around the idea of adopting them out. I know that doing so would free up time, money, and availability. But I don't know if it's worth it, emotionally. I am on the verge of tears when I think about not having them around, but I want to do what is best for the dogs, my relationship, and myself. What should I do? Have you ever given up your pet(s)? If you have, how did you feel about it in the long run? I'm so torn up about this. please help!

      Will I regret getting rid of my pets?

      Will I regret getting rid of my pets? Dog Breed Discussions
    • I couldnt come to do that man. and you raised your bulldog from 7weeks?? Couldnt man. If you have family in town try dropping them off throughout the week. I'll stay out of your sexlife though just dog advice right now

    • Well I had a dog, who I got when I was 7 then when I was 10 we had to give her away because we didn't have the money, I understood why we had to get rid of her but my heart was broken I still miss her. I'm the 2nd child in my family ( there are 4 of us ) and my single mom only has one job, but we have 5 pets and we would get rid of them to save money but we are too attached because we know we would miss them far too much if we had to get rid of any of them. I would just try and keep the dogs out of the room at night so you can be alone, but if you are already attached it might not be a good idea to get rid of them.

    • Yes, you will regret it. If you truely think that it's in the DOGS best interest to be adopted out to good, loving families...then I would do that. But I think if you work past this, and lock them out of the room at night, or in the bathroom when you get jiggy...things will work out. Just know that they look up to you, you are their master. If they go without food, you go without food. It's just that simple, they are a part of your family...dogs are not meant to be disposable, and I really, really think you should keep them with you. A lifetime of memories will be worth it.

    • I am sorry for your predicament, but I know you will regret letting them go.Animals are not disposable items and I am sure that if you do cherish them, will never cross your mind to part with them.Think twice and hard before getting rid of them. They are the most loyal friends you will ever have. They love you without asking for anything, so, please, do not treat them as something you can throw away. They love, they hurt and they bleed just like their humans.

    • i think finding a really good home for the baby's is great you would rather see them happy running around and if the dog does get sick you really want it to go to the vet and if you do find a home for the puppies make it to where its okay to sometimes see them so that way you can still see them its not giving up on your pets it simply caring for them so they could be happier I'm not saying that your not a good parent but yea!!

    • I had a dog since she was 8 weeks old to 2 years old until she passed away.It was the most emotional disaster we ever had.My family and I were crying for weeks and we still do after 6 months.Please don't.My brother went through some major emotional issues.Worst thing you could do is to give up your dogs when you don't have to.Trust me,you will regret it the minute you put up the adoption sign.Hope you make the right choice(which is to keep them.).:)

    • I'd regret it till' the day i died. I love my dog and I'm never going to get rid of him no matter what, but if that's what you really want to sell them than that's that.