Can an American Eskimo be friends with a half chihuhua mix dog?

I have an unneutered American Eskimo and my cousin has a half chihuahua mix and my dog barks at it like crazy. I am afraid she's going to bite her but the chihuahua doesn't really do anything. They smell each others butts and seem to enjoy it but I don't…

    Can an American Eskimo be friends with a half chihuhua mix dog?

    I have an unneutered American Eskimo and my cousin has a half chihuahua mix and my dog barks at it like crazy. I am afraid she's going to bite her but the chihuahua doesn't really do anything. They smell each others butts and seem to enjoy it but I don't…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Can an American Eskimo be friends with a half chihuhua mix dog?...

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    • Can an American Eskimo be friends with a half chihuhua mix dog?

      Can an American Eskimo be friends with a half chihuhua mix dog? Dog Breed Discussions
      I have an unneutered American Eskimo and my cousin has a half chihuahua mix and my dog barks at it like crazy. I am afraid she's going to bite her but the chihuahua doesn't really do anything. They smell each others butts and seem to enjoy it but I don't know if they can be friends. What can I do?They're both female. My dog goes insane though- they are totally not friends, she barks at her like crazy and wants to bite her.

      Can an American Eskimo be friends with a half chihuhua mix dog?

      Can an American Eskimo be friends with a half chihuhua mix dog? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Un-neutered males can be highly unpredictable. Can I suggest that if he is not part of a planned breeding program, you strongly consider neutering him? Neutered and well socialized, you shouldn't have a problem.

    • Let me put it this way, my parents have a 160 pound Akita (japanese fighting dog that's supposed to rip any other type of animal apart), and I have a 30 pound pug/boxer mix. These 2 are best buddies, it's hilarious to watch them play. The reason they get along is because the owners introduced them in a calm, stern environment. Dogs completely feel and react to your emotions, if you're nervous, the dogs will be nervous and not like each other. If you're calm and confident that the dogs will get along with you there monitoring them, they'll feed off of your emotions and remain calm and confident. If you send off a signal to your dogs that aggressive behavior will not be tolerated, they will feel it and try to behave. It really works, trust me. Nobody believes that my parents akita gets along with any other dog, especially a pug mix, but they are like 2 peas in a pod.