Need to find an american eskimo breeder in the north east nebrask are OR with in 200 miles PLEASE help?

We have been planning of a getting a family dog for awhile. So for x-mas that is what we are getting the hole family. Anyways we want a american eskimo because it's has special meaning to our family

    Need to find an american eskimo breeder in the north east nebrask are OR with in 200 miles PLEASE help?

    We have been planning of a getting a family dog for awhile. So for x-mas that is what we are getting the hole family. Anyways we want a american eskimo because it's has special meaning to our family...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Need to find an american eskimo breeder in the north east nebrask are OR with in 200 miles PLEASE help?...

    • Need to find an american eskimo breeder in the north east nebrask are OR with in 200 miles PLEASE help?

      Need to find an american eskimo breeder in the north east nebrask are OR with in 200 miles PLEASE help? Dog Breed Discussions
      We have been planning of a getting a family dog for awhile. So for x-mas that is what we are getting the hole family. Anyways we want a american eskimo because it's has special meaning to our family

      Need to find an american eskimo breeder in the north east nebrask are OR with in 200 miles PLEASE help?

      Need to find an american eskimo breeder in the north east nebrask are OR with in 200 miles PLEASE help? Dog Breed Discussions
    • I would suggest not purchasing a puppy. There are too many already. Check with your local shelters/rescue groups. There may even be a full breed rescue group for american eskimo's. It is too bad I am not near you. I am fostering an american eskimo. She had puppies at out local shelter and I pulled her to save them. The shelter was going to euthanize them all.

    • get the healthiest from your local paper...they are not bred by kennel club breed standards...try putting a ad in yours..i found my second golden retriever that way....