I want an American Eskimo dog but have questions ?

I would like to get an American Eskimo dog but need to know would the miniture breed be a good apartment dog? Would it be ok with living with only one person? And where is a good place to get an eski puppy from?

    I want an American Eskimo dog but have questions ?

    I would like to get an American Eskimo dog but need to know would the miniture breed be a good apartment dog? Would it be ok with living with only one person? And where is a good place to get an eski puppy from?...
    Dog Breed Discussions : I want an American Eskimo dog but have questions ?...

    • I want an American Eskimo dog but have questions ?

      I want an American Eskimo dog but have questions ? Dog Breed Discussions
      I would like to get an American Eskimo dog but need to know would the miniture breed be a good apartment dog? Would it be ok with living with only one person? And where is a good place to get an eski puppy from?

      I want an American Eskimo dog but have questions ?

      I want an American Eskimo dog but have questions ? Dog Breed Discussions
    • You would need to excerise him alot even if its a miniture the smaller the dog the fatter it can get. And its fine with how many people its living with but its a pain to brush it fur three times a day. And it has a lot of health problems of overheating with such a dense coat. I would get a lap dog if you are living in an apartment. It wouldf be easier for you and him. The american eskimo also barks crazy since its a memeber of the spitz family which includes the pomerian. But if I still havent convinced you not toi get a american eskio then I would check in your local news paper for breeders and online in your area. Hope this helps.

    • He should be fine in a apartment but you would have to give him daily exercise a day maybe on the morning and night.And yes he'll be fine living with one person as long as you give him attention and play with him,Here are a few websites to get them from..........http://www.nextdaypets.com/directory/dogs/sale/1100011/http://dogs.oodle.co.uk/american_eskimo_dog/england-area/http://www.puppyfind.com/for_sale/?breed_id=6Or try a breeder.or Dogs trust you never know.There Beautiful dogs by the way good luck <3