Which dog is better border collie or american eskimo ?

I live in a single home with a large yard. Im debating with my brother he wants a border collie i want an american eskimo dog.

    Which dog is better border collie or american eskimo ?

    I live in a single home with a large yard. Im debating with my brother he wants a border collie i want an american eskimo dog....
    Dog Breed Discussions : Which dog is better border collie or american eskimo ?...

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    • Which dog is better border collie or american eskimo ?

      Which dog is better border collie or american eskimo ? Dog Breed Discussions
      I live in a single home with a large yard. Im debating with my brother he wants a border collie i want an american eskimo dog.

      Which dog is better border collie or american eskimo ?

      Which dog is better border collie or american eskimo ? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Most border collie breeders would never ever suggest somebody without a pastuer and a few good sheep getting one. They have very high energy and need a lot of stimulation. They are great dogs but definitely not for everyone. I love spitz's, American Eskimos or Japanese Spitz as they're called here are great, my friend has one.

    • If you have sheep, go ahead and get the Border Collie, children will do just fine too :/don't get a Border Collie just because you think it's cute, they are herding dogs with 'herding instict'. They need a lot of exercise and it would be wise to spend money on agility training.I'd go with the Eskie.

    • Border Collie is more energetic than american eskimo. American eskimo is more on being a companion. They are both excellent watchdogs. If you're still undecided which one to pick, just check out these links for more comparison:http://dogtime.com/american-eskimo-dog.htmlhttp://dogtime.com/border-collie.htmlHope you pick what really suits you. Good luck

    • BC's need a job to do. Even with a backyard, it will become a nightmare from hell if not excercised enough. I have owned a BC before and they are not for people who just want to put them in a backyard and not excercise them. You are better off with an American Eskimo.

    • I personally would go with a border collie.It depends on how well you think you could care for either dog; in terms of energy level, time for grooming, your experience training dogs, and temperament. I would ask the shelter, or breeder which one they would recommend.

    • What a huge difference in the type of dog you two want.It really comes down to your lifestyle and what you want to do with either dog.Know that if you decide on the BC that you will need to give him a job like agility or at the very least lots and lots of exercise for the body and brain, their loyalty is unquestioned.If your looking at the Eskimo know that this is a bit of a more laid back dog that is also highly intelligent and needs to be exercised regularly.Hopefully if you do chose the Eskimo you realize that their is lots of grooming that comes with this breed not so much with the BC, it is more a wash and wear breed.Eskimo`s can be stubborn while BC`s love to please so for training purposes I would go with the BC.Again it all comes down to what are the 2 of you willing to do to give either breed the quality of life that it deserves.Good luck on your decision and God bless