Is an American Eskimo a good beginner dog?

So after months of begging my dad he finally agreed to get me a puppy. I recently fell in love with an american eskimo i saw, and i'm thinking about getting her. She will be my first puppy, we live in an apartment, but i'm willing to walk, play with and…

    Is an American Eskimo a good beginner dog?

    So after months of begging my dad he finally agreed to get me a puppy. I recently fell in love with an american eskimo i saw, and i'm thinking about getting her. She will be my first puppy, we live in an apartment, but i'm willing to walk, play with and…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Is an American Eskimo a good beginner dog?...

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    • Is an American Eskimo a good beginner dog?

      Is an American Eskimo a good beginner dog? Dog Breed Discussions
      So after months of begging my dad he finally agreed to get me a puppy. I recently fell in love with an american eskimo i saw, and i'm thinking about getting her. She will be my first puppy, we live in an apartment, but i'm willing to walk, play with and exercise her. Should i get her?

      Is an American Eskimo a good beginner dog?

      Is an American Eskimo a good beginner dog? Dog Breed Discussions
    • I really wouldn't get a Eskie if I was an apartment dweller, you will also need a good support system in other words 2 or more other people that will help out and exercise this dog without complaint or it wont be long before this dog tears your apartment up and causes complaints with neighbors. Do I think an Eskie is okay as a first dog, yes but only with a person that really has the time to play with and train it.

    • I wouldn't think they are good beginner dogs, but if you're really willing to put the effort in taking care of them then go for it. I have one and he is VERY hyper and he's only a year and a half old. That's why we got a second one so they can play with each other and he's a lot calmer now. They also need to be brushed often and they shed A LOT. But as long as you put the effort into taking care of her I think you'll do fine, just get ready for a lot of shedding and energy. My eskie was really hard to take care of at first cause i had chihuahua and a lab before. I never expected so much energy from my eskie but i love it.Eskies may be energetic and shed a lot but they are the sweetest dogs i've ever had even though they can be stubborn at times.