How often are you supposed to treat your dog for worms?

every 3 months normals also deflea them as well. just in case

    How often are you supposed to treat your dog for worms?

    every 3 months normals also deflea them as well. just in case...
    General Dog Discussions : How often are you supposed to treat your dog for worms?...

    • How often are you supposed to treat your dog for worms?

      How often are you supposed to treat your dog for worms? General Dog Discussions
      every 3 months normals also deflea them as well. just in case

      How often are you supposed to treat your dog for worms?

      How often are you supposed to treat your dog for worms? General Dog Discussions
    • It depends on what type of worms you are talking about and where you live. Roundworms and other intestinal parasites are picked up in the environment, it has nothing to do with what you feed your dog and giving it apple cider vinegar will not help. Roundworm infection causes blindness in thousands of people in the US each year! The CDC recommends frequent deworming to prevent such spread of disease from pets to humans. Your veterinarian should know what is needed in your area (some parts of the country have much higher incidence of these parasites).Many people confuse these parasites with heartworms. Heartworms are transmitted by mosquitos (at a different life stage) and then migrate to the heart in dogs and grow and grow... Heartworm infections if not treated are deadly, and treatment involves arsenic and confining the dog (as in not able to run, jump, anything) for 6 weeks. Alternatively, preventatives given monthly are very effective at preventing heartworm. Get such preventatives only from your veterinarian as manufacturers do not sell directly to the internet pharmacies and so their stock is from blackmarket sources. Many heartworm preventatives are also effective at treating or preventing parasites including intestinal worms, fleas, etc. Again, your veterinarian should be able to recommend what you will need in your area.So the long answer is, yes, that is every 30 days for the life of your dog.

    • If your dog has worms then it needs to be dewormed but if not just go to your local vet and ask for Interceptor or something similar what this a tablet you give once a month (and its based on your dogs wet so be sure to take your dog with you when you go) it helps prevent most works ie...hookworms, heart worms, and it would be best to do it for the lifespan of your dog....but you could always ask the vet.