What is my new dog's breed?

Can anyone help me figure out what breed my dog is? I just got him from Craigslist and am dying to know what type of dog he is. I'm pretty sure he's a hound of some sort. I thought at first that he was an American Foxhound but his colors are off. …

    What is my new dog's breed?

    Can anyone help me figure out what breed my dog is? I just got him from Craigslist and am dying to know what type of dog he is. I'm pretty sure he's a hound of some sort. I thought at first that he was an American Foxhound but his colors are off. …...
    Dog Breed Discussions : What is my new dog's breed?...

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    • What is my new dog's breed?

      What is my new dog's breed? Dog Breed Discussions
      Can anyone help me figure out what breed my dog is? I just got him from Craigslist and am dying to know what type of dog he is. I'm pretty sure he's a hound of some sort. I thought at first that he was an American Foxhound but his colors are off. Please help!http://images.craigslist.org/3kd3ma3p81f11241g691b283d5798f18b10b9.jpgHe's the black and white one on the right.

      What is my new dog's breed?

      What is my new dog's breed? Dog Breed Discussions
    • It's kind of hard to see him since he's being held, but from what I can see, I would have to say he's possibly English Pointer-Greyhound mix, but there is no guarantee. If you want for sure results, you can get his blood tested.

    • I would say def a Great Dane mix , maybe DalmationGreat Dane have spots just like that ,alsosee look at this site and scroll down a little .... see the Moo Print Great Dane ????? http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/greatdane.htmhere is a page w/ a lot of Moo Printshttp://www.dogbreedinfo.com/greatdanephotos2.htm