shock collar?

My one year old American foxhound has separation anxiety,he will bark even though were home,hes driving us CRAZY!! my husband says hes brining home a shock collar for when he barks,im pist!! were having a huge argument over this,who thinks those collars…

    shock collar?

    My one year old American foxhound has separation anxiety,he will bark even though were home,hes driving us CRAZY!! my husband says hes brining home a shock collar for when he barks,im pist!! were having a huge argument over this,who thinks those collars…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : shock collar?...

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    • Wow,, the bunny huggers are out in force tonight.The irony is that not a one of you have ever seen a electric bark collar used and you are only thinking with emotions without the benefit of experience.Now,,, personally I don't think bark collars work all that well. What happens is that dogs quickly become collar wise. Since you can not leave an electric collar on 24/7 (will rub a sore spot on the neck if you do) the dog doesn't bark when it is on but does the moment you take it off. This is because it really doesn't teach the dog to respond to anything (like a command) all it does is teach the dog how to avoid the collar. So unlike an actual training electric collar the bark electric collar is pretty much last resort in my book.This is not because I think they are cruel or something, this is because I don't think they work all that well.But for you bunny huggers,,,My specialty for 20 years has been training dogs that were to soft (timid) to be trained. The electric collar is the only training tool that can be turned down (adjusted) to work with these dogs. There is a dog here right now that was on the verge of being tipped over using cookies and a clicker just trying to get her to sit and come when called. I have to use almost all whistle commands with her because she cowers at the sound of a voice. She has now been through Force Fetch, 3HC, Force to Pile, Single T, and is now starting Double T and no-no drills using an electric collar. She will easily be ready to run Senior Hunter hunt tests in the spring.

    • Shock collars on anxious dogs can make behaviors worse. If you want to try something to stop the barking at least just try the spray collar that squirts out citronella or water or talk to a trainer to find out if there are other ways you might help lessen the stress your dog is feeling. But really, you have a fox hound and are upset/surprised that it barks? It's like someone getting a border collie and being upset that it herds sheep.

    • If you've tried everything from going to a vet and petsmart or any kind of trainer, you may want to try the collar. If not I'll save you $80 with my other suggestion.My in-laws have a puggle that would always bark when he would go outside...they did not want to go with the collar but that seemed to be only choice left since they were getting the local law enforcement called to their house on a regular basis. They ended going with the type that sends a small shock when the dog barks no button pushing done by owner. From what they've told me it seems to be working they left it on him for about a week and it pretty much stopped his barking now they don't keep it on him all day just put it on once in awhile if he starts getting bad.Now for my other suggestion, I have a special needs dog who just goes crazy in certain situations. We took our dog to Petsmart for a 1 hour session at the cost of $80. And here's what we were "taught" ...get your self an empty metal bowl or fill up some empty soda / beer cans with some nails or screws to make a rattle then tape opening with duct tape. Anytime your dog starts barking for no reason or you want to stop his barking or bad behavior you throw the bowl or beer-can in their direction (not necessarily at them but near them) a dogs hearing is very sensitive and the loud noise will interrupt their thought process. I'm sure your husband wont mind drinking a six pack to help save some cash. Another thing we were told was to get a spray bottle and fill it up with water and if you can find it ...add some citronella deterrent spray also add some marbles to make it rattle. Same thing as before if he starts acting up spray his face with water, the citronella is a non-pleasant scent for dogs it wont hurt them they just dont like the smell of it. While spraying or before spraying shake bottle so the marbles rattle, the dog will learn to associate the rattle with the spray and should stop his barking. Again you could buy everything for under $10 versus an $80 session or $80 & up collar. And its more humane. The rattles worked on our three dogs though my wife was and is less consistent in throwing which can be detrimental to their training and we always travel with a spray bottle in our car on road trips. Also you will need to set up the situation so you can break the bad habit... like our dogs go crazy when the door bell rings or someone knocks on our door. So have some one ring the bell or knock and as soon as he starts barking correct the behavior.And finally... before leaving him alone you may want to burn off some of his energy by taking the dog on a long walk or walking him a couple times a day. That helps out alot too our dogs are more calmer when we leave after a walk.Good luck.