shock collar?

My one year old American foxhound has separation anxiety,he will bark even though were home,hes driving us CRAZY!! my husband says hes brining home a shock collar for when he barks,im pist!! were having a huge argument over this,who thinks those collars…

    shock collar?

    My one year old American foxhound has separation anxiety,he will bark even though were home,hes driving us CRAZY!! my husband says hes brining home a shock collar for when he barks,im pist!! were having a huge argument over this,who thinks those collars…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : shock collar?...

    • shock collar?

      shock collar? Dog Breed Discussions
      My one year old American foxhound has separation anxiety,he will bark even though were home,hes driving us CRAZY!! my husband says hes brining home a shock collar for when he barks,im pist!! were having a huge argument over this,who thinks those collars are wrong?or is it something we should try?

      shock collar?

      shock collar? Dog Breed Discussions
    • I think those collars are horrible. My teacher doesn't shock us when we talk!!! Why should you be shocking dogs? A shock collar is too harsh. I'd recomend a muzzle. Good luck! ♥

    • Not a good idea for a dog that needs help to be calm. Do not put that shock collar on him - instead, talk to your vet about possibly medicating for stress - and PLEASE take your dog out for more exercise. A dog is a commitment and everyone in the family needs to be aware of that. Hounds were bred over centuries for a long working day. You need to try harder to provide all of the mental and physical stimulation that an active, healthy dog must have.Here's an article about why shock collars are inhumane:

    • If the dog has separation anxiety, he wouldn't be barking when you're home.The main problem you have is that you've got a "hound" on your hands. Hound dogs were bred to bark.If you're looking to fix this problem, shock collars aren't going to do a whole lot, other than give you an insecure, terrified and unhappy dog. If your husband insists on using a shock collar, hire a trainer to help teach you how to use the collar correctly. It is NOT as simple as either of you may think.As far as stopping the barking goes, have you tried ignoring him when he barks and rewarding him when he is quiet? If you treat him only when he isn't barking and ignore any bad behavior (punishment by taking your attention away from him), you may find your problem is more easily solved than you could have previously thought possible.Exercise may also be an issue. Remember: a tired dog is a good dog.

    • I think you need to exhaust every other effort. Have you tried an animal behaviourist or professional trainer? You may need to do some one on one with a trainer. Some even make house calls. Check out the link below.Also, before you go with a shock collar, try the citronella spray collars. They make ones that also let out a high pitch sound that is unplesent for barkers.Have your husband put the thing on his on his adam's apple and see how it feels before he puts it on the dog. I really feel like they are cruel, and this is going to do more psychological damage to a dog who already has an issue.Best of luck with your husband.Love the dog...

    • A shock collar on an already-anxious dog is going to make it worse.A shock collar should only be used for nuisance barking or boundary training.For separation anxiety, the dog needs a safe, warm, confined space and noise in the background (radio, tv) and you definitely want to look into a pheremone plug in. These pheremones release 'feel calm/good' scents for the dog, who then becomes more relaxed and not as agitated. I don't think a shock collar in this instance is going to be of any benefit at all. I think it might make the dog even more anxious.

    • Shock collars are not at all cruel when used correctly. On the lower settings they are more just a surprise than anything. It's not any different than spraying your dog with water if used on a low setting. Just read the directions and use it correctly and there is nothing wrong with it at all. Any training tool can be cruel and hurt a dog if used wrong, including a flat collar and on the flip side, any tool can be valuable in training your dog and cause no harm to the dog at all.

    • No shock collar. Shocking dogs is harsh. You should ask your husband if he would liked to be shocked. I don't get shocked when i talk in class so why should the dog. Maybe the dog is telling you something like it wants to go outside. Try that it is better than a shock collar.

    • DONT U DARE GET A SHOCK COLLAR!!! if u use it incorrectly u can actually harm ur dog by having one. the best thing to do is training classes. i work at PetSmart so i know what im saying. If u need to there is a plug in that u can purchas that has a scent that helps calm them down when u are home and when ur not. Also what u can do is get a ultr-sonic bark control system that sits on the counter or table. what it does is everytime he barks it sends an ultra-sonic wave that only hr can hear. its not harmful and it works. i have it for my dog. the thing with the bark collars is that ive seen many dogs that have holes in their necks from the prongs that stick out and can get infected. so the best thing to do is either training classes or the ultra-sonic bark control. DO NOT GET THE SHOCK COLLAR!!! Any other questions jus ask.

    • I had a German Shepard that barked like CRAZY, so I did try one of those shock collars, and had success. Most only take a 6volt battery and are not pain full just uncomfortable. My brother even put it up to he neck and shocked himself. He didn't like it, but most ppl have tried sticking 12volt battery to there tongue to see what it feels like. Any way with out being controversial I don;t feel that they are inhuman. They make I very light beeping sound when they shock the dog, so after a while I could get my dog to settle down when he heard the noise and didn't need to keep using the collar. The instructions do say not to leave your dog alone when you first put it on him, because it will probably scare him.

    • Get the shock collar. There are two other types of anti-bark collars, one emits a quick squirt of citronella or lemon scent in front of the dogs' face, the other emits a high pitched sound that only the dog can hear. The citronella collar often works pretty well.You can also get an anti-bark collar that only shocks when the owner/trainer pushes the button on the remote that comes with that type of collar. This way you control the amount of shocks the dog will get.

    • I don't think you need a shock collar for this behavior. Simple training should do the trick. A dog who barks over nothing has not been properly trained. It will take some time, but positive reinforcement works wonders. Go online and find out some tips from professional trainers and try them out. Also you may want to exercise him more. Hounds need lots of running and playing time.

    • Shock collars don't attack the problem, just the dog.Instead of trying a different collar, look at the problem.When the dog barks, allow 2 or 3 barks, then tell him "quiet". At this same time, if the dog is close to you, give a tug on his collar (regular, buckle collar). If the dog quiets, even for a second, praise him. If he does not respond to the collar tug, there are a few other options:Have a squirt gun filled with water. If the dog does not respond to the collar tug, or it you are across the room and cannot get to him, squirt him in the back of the head with the water. This will startle him, and will cause him to be quiet, even for a a brief moment. As soon as he is quiet, praise him.You can also have a bean bag or empty soda can with a handful of pennies or pebbles in it. Again, after 2 or 3 barks, give the command "quiet", wait for just a second, and at the next bark, throw the bag or can near the dog, but not to where it will hit him. Again, it should startle him to be quiet where you can praise him.The above is for basic barking, not caused by any other problem. You say the dog has separate anxiety, but if you are home, the barking is not sep. anxiety, since you are there.

    • your dog needs to learn the command "quiet". When he barks, say quiet. If he still barks, walk up to him very calmly, open his mouth, and squirt lemon juice in there. Walk away. He will smack his lips, and make a face. Do that everytime he barks after you say quiet. After about 4 times, he will get what quiet means. At that point, you can just say quiet, and point the bottle at him. He will automatically smack his lips, and shut up. This is harmless to your dog, and unlike the collar, won't stress him out more. You can get those lemon shaped bottles as walmart for less than a dollar. You have to poke a hole in the top though.Electric collars are amazing training tools, and do not hurt dogs. Yes, i have tried it on myself, my furless self, and it does not hurt. My dogs wear them, and they are not afraid of it, or me. They don't wimper or whine when i use it, they obey. They are tools, like prong collars and gentle leaders.

    • Only put it on the dog after your husband trys it on himself FIRST. I did an its painful. Immediately return it. This is cruelty to animals. See your vet. There are medications to treat seperation anxiety.

    • You could try, but my dog has been traumatized mute by the shock collar. Yeah, he was silent for a year, but do you really want the timidness and the distrustfulness that comes with it? You should probably talk to your husband about this...