If you had to choose?

which would your rather have? if you're tempted to say neither or throw another dog into the mix don't answer.1. Australian shepherd2. German shepherd3. English Springer Spaniel4.Old English Sheepdog5.Great Pyrenees6.Newfoundland7.Greater Swiss Mountain…

    If you had to choose?

    which would your rather have? if you're tempted to say neither or throw another dog into the mix don't answer.1. Australian shepherd2. German shepherd3. English Springer Spaniel4.Old English Sheepdog5.Great Pyrenees6.Newfoundland7.Greater Swiss Mountain…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : If you had to choose?...

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    • If you had to choose?

      If you had to choose? Dog Breed Discussions
      which would your rather have? if you're tempted to say neither or throw another dog into the mix don't answer.1. Australian shepherd2. German shepherd3. English Springer Spaniel4.Old English Sheepdog5.Great Pyrenees6.Newfoundland7.Greater Swiss Mountain Dog8. rough collie9.Great Dane10.American Foxhoundthose are 10 dogs i like and i want to know which one to look into more so what do you think? i'll investigate further after you've told me you're favorites to see if they fit my life style. if you have any experience or interesting facts about one of these breeds please share! thanks :)i posted this a few days ago but i got some really interesting answers so i thought i'd ask again, i think i'm leaning towards OE sheepdog :)lol i know its random but its a fun question :)exercise is not a problem!ok more me info: i walk 2-3 miles a day i have two other dogs a border collie mix and a 6 month old malamute mix, i like grooming because its relaxing and i live in a rual townoh i won't be getting a new pup for a few years, i'm just giving myself time to researchisis i'm from northen nevada so we have extreme heat and extreme cold sometimes in the same week :) sucks but no fleas!

      If you had to choose?

      If you had to choose? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Don't get an Australian Shepherd if you are considering calmer dogs such as a Springer Spaniel. Aussies need tons of exercise or they become destructive and develop behavioural problems. They need something to channel their energy constantly or they start to herd children or cars and can get hurt or even killed.Your best bet would be either your OES, or a Springer Spaniel. They make such great companions and are up for exercise or laying with you!

    • Most of the dogs you picked are working dogs, but very different in the work they do and there fore have very different needs in a pet home. A lot really depends on you as the owner as to what you want to do with the dog. For instance do you want to vacuum every hour on the hour? Get a GSD or a Pyr. Do you want to brush and clip for hours on end weekly? Get an OES. You need to provide more info about what YOU want. I already know what I want and have several of them.

    • My favs on that list are OES, the Pyr, GSMD, Rough Collie, Danes, and Newfies. Thats a hard list to pick just one from, but since I am a groomer Ive worked with a lot of these breeds and have fallen for their temperments and personalities. Definitely top on that list is th OES - love their big, goofy, sweet temperments. Just need to be aware of the INTENSE amount of grooming to keep the coat at any decent length.

    • Australian Shepherd all the way! I already have one and i love her. I guess it totally depends what you want to do with them though. I took her up to open level in obedience by the time she was 5! She is the smartest dog I've ever had by far, but she is very hyper and goes for several mile runs about 3 times a week, and we also have a big backyard and she gets to chase our steers quite a bit!

    • I want a Swissie soo badly. I am fighting the urge not to demand the owners of the kennel I work for breed their champions again IMMEDIATELY so I can have one. They are the BEST. I also will own a Great Dane one day. And probably a Newfie. I own an OES right now, he is very funny, but a big sissy (just like Danes and Swissies).

    • We had a Newfoundland growing up and she was wonderful. Important to note: if you live in a hot climate they will not tolerate it well. We lived in NY and she had her own baby pool in the backyard to sit in when she got hot. She was a great dog- we would jump off the back porch and play dead and she would drag us by the hoods of our jackets to be "rescued" in the winter! She loved the snow. They are very, very smart. They also sleep a lot. I have a male beagle now and he sleeps not near as much as she did. She also loved to walk and hike- but not so much in the summer. She also drooled a ton- not cool. They need to be groomed regularly due to the knots and they shed a lot. Shepherds: Need a strong owner. They need an owner with experience and with time to train them and to spend time training them. We had a mix and she loved to work but would get bored- they WANT something to do...so we worked with her daily.

    • German shepherds are very loyal and intelligent dogs. But they are long hair and if you live in a warm climate they do shed alot. I am also a great dane lover but they are huge and need alot of space. Also they eat alot and can get expensive.They are also prone to hip dysplasia due to their large size.

    • It all depends on what kind of accommodations you have. I've always wanted a Great Dane, but never lived anywhere large enough to be fair to the dog.We have a German Shepherd and he is one of the most intelligent doge I've known.Good Luck!

    • That's quite a selection. herding breeds, a bird dog, a hound and some mastiff type giant breeds. If the breeds you listed were my only choices I would pick the american foxhound. They look cool. The few I have known have great personalities and I like hounds in general.

    • Depends on what you want. Myself I would choose the Australian Shepherd. Smart, nice appearance, good on the farm and intellegent from what I gather. I used to have a border collie, that was my favorite breed that I have had. Now have an American Eskimo, he's nice but he barks all the time (annoying). Good luck picking! Any one could be a great partner for you...

    • Personally I don't know much about any of those dogs. I'd go foxhound based on size. When I was younger we had large dogs Irish wolfhounds. They cost a fair bit to feed and are hard to look after (vet bills etc) And I prefer a smaller more active dog. It seems you like the fluffy kinda dog hahah.Those Newfoundland dogs are GORGEOUS!!