Aggression in an otherwise lovable dog?

My American Foxhound puppy who is just shy of turning 1 this coming January, has been having some problems with aggression. It only happens on occasion, but he will sometimes snap at my mom and I. He does it when we try to put him in his cage, when we…

    Aggression in an otherwise lovable dog?

    My American Foxhound puppy who is just shy of turning 1 this coming January, has been having some problems with aggression. It only happens on occasion, but he will sometimes snap at my mom and I. He does it when we try to put him in his cage, when we…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Aggression in an otherwise lovable dog?...

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    • Aggression in an otherwise lovable dog?

      Aggression in an otherwise lovable dog? Dog Breed Discussions
      My American Foxhound puppy who is just shy of turning 1 this coming January, has been having some problems with aggression. It only happens on occasion, but he will sometimes snap at my mom and I. He does it when we try to put him in his cage, when we get too close to his food bowl or rawhides, and when he throws up and we try to clean it with paper towels. Now normally, he doesn't care if we hold his rawhide for him to chew - he brings them to use and lays next to us. They say foxhounds are rather loving of their owners and like to "cuddle", which he normally does. But in these instances, he barely gives us a warning before he's trying to bite our hands, and once he lunged at my face. Fortunately, we have been rather unscathed, but if he keeps it up, we fear we might have to get rid of him. It would break my heart if that were to happen, so what can we do?We had him neutered not long ago, about a month back, thinking that would stop him from being aggressive. It's like Jekyll and Hyde when this happens. 90% of the time, he is the sweetest little thing ever. We've looked at obedience classes but we don't have the money right now. Would they help him? Because the way he reacts is certainly not the way he should.

      Aggression in an otherwise lovable dog?

      Aggression in an otherwise lovable dog? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Poor Genetics lack of Training could be one or the other or both .Any dog that had lunged at my face would of been on a one way trip to a vet .Get the dog vet checked to see if there is anything medically wrong first then go from there but in this world there is no room for human aggressive dogs .

    • Have him checked out by a vet first. If the vet can't find anything wrong with him than you may want to consider having him put down. A dog that is willing to bite his owner (the person who should be the center of it's world) is not a dog you want to keep alive. Personally, if this was my dog, he would have been shot on sight after the first incident.

    • You can give him Canine MatriCalm. Its a herbal supplement created just for dogs that helps them with their aggression issues so that they can better settle down. It only contains herbs so it is safe for long-term use as well.