I need help finding a home or a rescue center for a hound dog!!!?

My sister has this American Foxhound whom she can't take care of any more because he is just to much to handle. We are looking for a rescue that takes hound dogs. Does anyone know of any????? Personally my dog-despising side would take care of the…

    I need help finding a home or a rescue center for a hound dog!!!?

    My sister has this American Foxhound whom she can't take care of any more because he is just to much to handle. We are looking for a rescue that takes hound dogs. Does anyone know of any????? Personally my dog-despising side would take care of the…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : I need help finding a home or a rescue center for a hound dog!!!?...

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    • I need help finding a home or a rescue center for a hound dog!!!?

      I need help finding a home or a rescue center for a hound dog!!!? Dog Breed Discussions
      My sister has this American Foxhound whom she can't take care of any more because he is just to much to handle. We are looking for a rescue that takes hound dogs. Does anyone know of any????? Personally my dog-despising side would take care of the problem with a bullet or taking the dog to a pound, but my sister couldn't live with herself if something like that occurred and I guess I do have a soft spot for animals even if I can't stand them. So if anyone knows of a rescue for hound dogs please let me know.

      I need help finding a home or a rescue center for a hound dog!!!?

      I need help finding a home or a rescue center for a hound dog!!!? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Try researching an American Foxhound rescue in your area. It is nice to know that you chose not to take care of the problem with a bullet. If it is your sister's dog then let her find a safe home for him. I'd never trust a person who hates animals.

    • Sounds like you are a loving, compassionate animal family, NOT.At least your sister appears to have a few ethics that you lack.Your sister can't handle the dog because she has never put time and effort into training him. Now she wants to pass the problem she created onto someone else. Lovely!Tell her to find the breed rescue and surrender the dog. I hope she never gets another dog. Dogs deserve better owners than this.