My young dog suddenly died, why?

i had a 17 month old american foxhound mix(with what we don't know). I adopted her 3 months ago from the human society. She had three stomach parasites when i got her, i found out about a month and a half later, she was treated for them. Everyday for the…

    My young dog suddenly died, why?

    i had a 17 month old american foxhound mix(with what we don't know). I adopted her 3 months ago from the human society. She had three stomach parasites when i got her, i found out about a month and a half later, she was treated for them. Everyday for the…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : My young dog suddenly died, why?...

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    • My young dog suddenly died, why?

      My young dog suddenly died, why? Dog Breed Discussions
      i had a 17 month old american foxhound mix(with what we don't know). I adopted her 3 months ago from the human society. She had three stomach parasites when i got her, i found out about a month and a half later, she was treated for them. Everyday for the last 10 days or so she would hop the fence and go play with my next door neighbors dog. She was happy, playful and completely normal. Yesterday morning, I got up at 7, and she was still in her crate. I left her in there for a little bit, got her food ready, started coffee and went into the living room for something when i heard her banging around in her cage, i thought she was trying to tell me that she was ready to go outside. So i went to get her out and she couldnt stand. She had no muscle control. She was flopping like a fish trying to get out of her cage, so I helped her and tried to help her stand, she still couldnt. So i picked her up and carried her outside. I noticed she had a lot of foam in her mouth. That went away about twenty minutes later. She continued to flop over to the fence that borders my neighbor with the dog. I called my neighbor and she gave me the number to a 24 hour vet. They said it was probably a seizure and she would be back to normal within 45 minutes. This all started around 730 am. My neighbor came and got her around 830 and brought my dog over to her house so she could watch my dog while i went into work. I was gone 1 1/2 hours. I called her around 1045 and she told me that my dog was getting worse. She wasnt foaming but her tongue was hanging out(she couldnt keep it in her mouth), she still couldnt walk or stand, still no muscle control. I decided I would take her back to humane society. She didnt need to suffer anymore. So i got home around 11 from work, my neighbor and I got my dog in the back of my car. I sat back there with her to keep her calm. Her tongue was still hanging out, her eyes kept rolling back and what looked like an inner eyelid kept coming up over her eye. She was breathing really really heavy(like she had just ran around for hours) and she was really really warm, i was sweating just being next to her. The workers at the humane society came out to the car and got her and as they were carrying her in, she was pooping and didnt know it. She was put down(I didnt see it, i said my goodbyes to her while we were in the car and my bf was inside talking to them). She was perfectly healthy when i got up yesterday morning and about 20 minutes later she was dying. If anyone can tell me how, I greatly appreciate it, I have heard it sounds like parvo but i know thats not it. Thank you so much! please dont be cruel, i just lost my dog and I miss her. I loved her. I took good care of her too.

      My young dog suddenly died, why?

      My young dog suddenly died, why? Dog Breed Discussions
    • I am so sorry for your loss. She may have had multiple seizures, some kind of muscle disorder unknown to you. The only way to truly find out is a necropsy.

    • If she was having multiple seizures, this could have raised her body temperature to critical levels. Any seizure should be seen asap by a vet. Also, blood clots can do this...are you sure she did not have heartworms? A toxicity from something she ingested can also have poisoned her system. There are many things that could have happened--you may never know why. I am sorry for your loss.

    • **huugz** hun..that is so sad :( it could have been poison that she got into, even though it does sound more like parvo or distemper, the vet should know more. Call them and tell them you want a full report.

    • I don't know the answer to this one. Maybe a vet could give you the answer. You must be so sad. I am so sorry that your dog died. I know how heartbreaking that is. You did a wonderful thing adopting from the humane society, you gave your dog a loving home for the short time you had her. Remember the good times you had with her and know that she is no longer in any pain or suffering and is at peace. I am sure your dog loved you just as much you loved her. I hope you are able to get the answer you are looking for. Again I am sorry for your loss.

    • Well things like that can be very sudden,It could of been an allergy or it could of caught something from an other dog.There was a shot that my vet recomended (I forget what it was called) He said give my dog this and a little bit of sugar.And my dog died and came back to life.Really he stopped breathing and was dead but he came back to life.Any way don't worry about it.But Good luck and I'm sure you did love your dog

    • My dog gets those too. But each time we give her some raw egg. we mix it first a give it to her she get better after. But usually she will try walk but cant so she falls on her side and once she walked into a table. Her mouth starts to druel and foam.Im so sorry!

    • I am so sorry that she passed away. I'd like to think that she waited for you in the morning so you could both say good-bye to each other. A couple of things come to mind about what could cause her passing. 1- had she been treated for heart-worm? That can be fatal if it is not detected & treated beyond 3 months of age. The second thing is a severe allergic or toxic reaction that was too much her body to handle. *Hugs*

    • Sounds like it could have been an aneurysm like my dog had. I had a Plott Hound mix that had the same symptoms before he passed and he was only 3. We (us and the vet) had thought he was just eplieptic - as Hounds can have canine epilepsy) but they were seizures leading up to an aneurysm (we found out after his death) There is nothing you could have done and no way you could have known prior, so there is no need to beat yourself up over this. You did the best you could do.Sorry for your loss.................