House broke dog going in the house?

We have a 7 month old American Foxhound. when we got him he was mostly house broke with accidents here and there, we worked with him and he got the idea. But recently he has started defecating in the house, he still saves his urination for outside. I can…

    House broke dog going in the house?

    We have a 7 month old American Foxhound. when we got him he was mostly house broke with accidents here and there, we worked with him and he got the idea. But recently he has started defecating in the house, he still saves his urination for outside. I can…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : House broke dog going in the house?...

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    • House broke dog going in the house?

      House broke dog going in the house? Dog Breed Discussions
      We have a 7 month old American Foxhound. when we got him he was mostly house broke with accidents here and there, we worked with him and he got the idea. But recently he has started defecating in the house, he still saves his urination for outside. I can take him outside and watch him go, then bring him in an after only a little while he has gone on the carpet. It's normally a very small, watery amount like he's having to force some out when he has no actual need to go. Sometimes he even goes in one room, then immediately goes in another. We finally had to shampoo the carpets yesterday and since the time we let him back in after the carpets were dry he has defecated FIVE times! Once was in his kennel while we were sleeping last night.Is there any way to fix this problem?

      House broke dog going in the house?

      House broke dog going in the house? Dog Breed Discussions
    • I don't think it is a training issue or a behavioral issue. It sounds more like a medical issue. If it's runny and watery, he might not be able to hold it. It sounds like his stomach is upset. I had a Min Pin who had a very similar problem. He was quite old (I don't know how old your dog is) and it turned out that he had an intestinal cancer. There was no treatment available, as it was a rapidly growing cancer and he eventually passed away. You might want to check with your vet as soon as possible while it is still early, hopefully it will be something treatable. I hope there isn't anything terribly wrong with your dog, but the sooner you bring him in, the sooner they can rule out any medical problem he could be having.