My dog sheds, constantly?

My dog constantly sheds. He's an American Foxhound, and it seems a bit excessive for his breed. I use a furminator on him every couple of days and a regular plastic comb every day. He gets bathed every 2 or 3 weeks, more often if we go to the dog park…

    My dog sheds, constantly?

    My dog constantly sheds. He's an American Foxhound, and it seems a bit excessive for his breed. I use a furminator on him every couple of days and a regular plastic comb every day. He gets bathed every 2 or 3 weeks, more often if we go to the dog park…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : My dog sheds, constantly?...

    • My dog sheds, constantly?

      My dog sheds, constantly? Dog Breed Discussions
      My dog constantly sheds. He's an American Foxhound, and it seems a bit excessive for his breed. I use a furminator on him every couple of days and a regular plastic comb every day. He gets bathed every 2 or 3 weeks, more often if we go to the dog park in the mud or something. He's on premium food (Blue Buffalo lamb adult), and has never been any different on another food. He's about two years old.What can I do to not have fur getting all over my hands every time I pet him, or to prevent me from having to vacuum the furniture and sweep the floors every day or two? Any magical solutions, or am I pretty much stuck with this?

      My dog sheds, constantly?

      My dog sheds, constantly? Dog Breed Discussions
    • He's an indoor dog. Mine is a Shep/Lab and does the same thing. WHen they are outside dogs they see more of the seasons and their fur settles into a spring/fall thing. When their clocks have no real need to be outside they just shed all the time. Brush him every day. Really stay on top of it

    • Bathing should be done once a month, unless he's dirty. Bathe him less often.This is the time of year for dogs to blow their coats, so you are probably stuck with this.You could see a vet if you are concerned.