I dont know what to do.?

We have a one and a half year old American foxhound.Hes very lovable,smart and entertaining.When he gets loose and starts to run amok we go after him and he will put up a fight to get his leash on him,last week he bit my husbands arm, and last night my…

    I dont know what to do.?

    We have a one and a half year old American foxhound.Hes very lovable,smart and entertaining.When he gets loose and starts to run amok we go after him and he will put up a fight to get his leash on him,last week he bit my husbands arm, and last night my…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : I dont know what to do.?...

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    • I dont know what to do.?

      I dont know what to do.? Dog Breed Discussions
      We have a one and a half year old American foxhound.Hes very lovable,smart and entertaining.When he gets loose and starts to run amok we go after him and he will put up a fight to get his leash on him,last week he bit my husbands arm, and last night my daughter (who is 23 yrs. old)was petting him while he was asleep and he started to growl at her,so when she got up and walked away,he went after her growling and barking and bit her arm.Im confussed with him,and think maybe we shoould find him another home or take him to a shelter.I LOVE dogs very mvery much, but i cannot afford for him to hurt my family or anyone else.Would that be the right thing to do?

      I dont know what to do.?

      I dont know what to do.? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Dogs are easy to train. Try to find a trainer to teach him more. However, if you find that he is too stubborn to change, I would definitely consider giving him away.hope that helped!

    • First, I would talk to the vet about this. There might be an underlying problem like he is in pain or has an illness. Dogs don't generally change personalities that quickly. There may be something else wrong with him. Have him checked out.

    • Perhaps before you take him to a shelter that may put him down, is there any way that you could possibly afford to get some training for him? It doesn't cost that much and you may find that there is a reason that he is doing those things. I would try finding a professional trainer before giving him up and if that doesn't work, then I would try to find him another home.

    • No, get an animal behaviorist or a good trainer. He runs off because he is a hound. Their nose is their hobby and can get them in trouble. Now he thinks he is the boss. All of this is very trainable behavior. If you take him to a shelter you are only passing on the problem and I can assure you that he will be put to sleep. They do not adopt out dogs that bite. So, if you cannot solve the problem and this is a problem that more than likely can be fixed, then take him to your vet, hold him yourself and have him put down. It would not be fair to take him to a shelter where he will be scared out of his mind and where they smell death, especially when he would have no chance of adoption.

    • Train him not to bite and be aggressive. Most people just don't want to take the time to properly train their dogs so they decided to give the to the shelter - hence, all the abandoned and overpopulation at the shelters and rescues. You need to train your dog to come when you call him, to sit when it's time to get the leash on him, to walk properly on the leash, to realize who the alpha dog is in the pack (and it certainly should not be him). If you don't have the time to train him yourself, get someone to do it for you. A properly trained dog is a good K-9 citizen.

    • no if you really love you dog then you won't want to send him/her to a dog home or other, because i know i wouldn't, what i would do is find a dog trainer to see if they could train him/her to be good behaved etc. if you did move him on to a dog home or other then he would probably get put down in the end if they couldn't sort out hes problem.Maybe that helped, hope it did.

    • First of all, finding a new home or taking him to a shelter should not even be options for you. He is your dog and you love him and YOU are not even willing to work with him on this...what makes you think a stranger will? You need to talk to a behaviorist and have a professional come to your house and help you work with your dog to figure out what the problem is. It sounds to me like he thinks that he is the alpha and you have not established your dominance. However, if that is the case, it will probably take professional help to reestablish that order in your family. If you aren't willing to do that, you need to call around to some vet clinics and see which one would be willing to euthanize him. I know it sounds horrible, and will hard for you, but he is not a dog that is suitable for adoption, and a shelter would just euthanize him anyway. You cannot rehome him because he is a risk to other families as well. Why would you want the last days of his life to be spent in a cage scared and alone? The least you could do for him would be to stand by his side while it happens.

    • He is hitting his mature/development age? some dogs mature at different rates, and his behavior of chasing after someone to bite them could be a behavioral problem of establishing his order in your pack.I would not let it continue, as it will only get worse. You will need to start corrections for biting now. If you do not feel capable of doing it straight off, its easiest to consult a professional who can demonstrate how and when to place the correction. In the meantime, I would have him on lead, and give him a correction jerk at the same time he growls or tries to bite, and then banish him to the outside with no company. It should get him thinking he is doing something wrong.Running off with out a lead is also a big concern. First of all you didn't' say if he was neutered. The previous behavior coupled with running off could be his testosterone kicking in. If its not, he may be a wanderer, and you will want to either electronic fence your front and rear yard, or keep a light line on him to stomp on from a distance and pull him back to you.His negative behavior may not get him adopted if he does it for adoption purposes, especially in a shelter. No one wants to be bit, even by cute dogs. So look up behavioral modification and see if you can get an evaluation on him. Hopefully its just the stage he is in, and you will be able to work through it. Just make sure you know the pecking order in your house, and that he knows it also! : )Good Luck!