Dog jumping over the fence?

How do i get my dog to stop jumping over my fence. Shes part American foxhound and she can jump rele rele high. We have a fence in the back yard and shes been jumping over to the neighbors yard to go play w their dog. We have recently put chicken wire in…

    Dog jumping over the fence?

    How do i get my dog to stop jumping over my fence. Shes part American foxhound and she can jump rele rele high. We have a fence in the back yard and shes been jumping over to the neighbors yard to go play w their dog. We have recently put chicken wire in…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Dog jumping over the fence?...

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    • Dog jumping over the fence?

      Dog jumping over the fence? Dog Breed Discussions
      How do i get my dog to stop jumping over my fence. Shes part American foxhound and she can jump rele rele high. We have a fence in the back yard and shes been jumping over to the neighbors yard to go play w their dog. We have recently put chicken wire in back but now she starts jumping over a different white 5ft fence in front to the neighbors she just runs up it and were afraid she could get out just jump over the fence. We cant have her going to the neighbors yard because shes ruining their yard. We don't rele want to the chicken wire up because it will just get in the way. Help please. How do i get my dog to stop jumping over the fence?

      Dog jumping over the fence?

      Dog jumping over the fence? Dog Breed Discussions
    • The safest and most obvious solution would be to make the fence too high for her to jump. I know it's a hassle but it's gonna be the easiest way. Try having a look to see if you can find one of those things that lets out an ultrasonic sound, that may deter your dog from going near the fence. They're kinda like cat repellants but for dogs.

    • i had a little mixed border collie who only weighed 30 lbs and no matter what kind of a fence we had she managed to jump it, even on the top deck 12 feet up i would see her balancing and walkng on the top railing.i worked for hours adding additional fencing on top of the one that was there and she still got out.what you are doing is great. the only other thing is to tie her but she might jump and strangle herself. as she leaps over the fence. you could get under ground fencing that comes with a shock collar so when she goes near it she will get a little shock. its not pleasent but it might keep her home. i found a home for the dog i had after she came to us as a stray and had 6 pups later which i also found homes for, anyway the girl she lives with has a 6 ft wooden fence all around her back yard and the dog still jumps it to this day and shows up at her front door. it is quite a delemia. good luck with your jumping bean lol

    • An electronic fence is absolutely the way to go. There are a few brands to choose from ---ones you can buy at Lowes and do yourself, or you can have one professionally installed. For professionally installed brands, I recommend Pet Stop because the receivers (collars) have lots of different setting, the equipment is made in the US, and has a lifetime warranty. Check out For the people who oppose these fences, my dog, an escape artist has been on the system for 5 years ---she was shocked two or three times in the initial training, and has not been shocked since, and hasn't left the yard! :)