Please help me with training my puppy?

About two months ago we adopted what we thought was an 8 week old Beagle that was saved from being gassed at a shelter (he might be an American Foxhound though, we aren't sure as he's a bit bigger than a Beagle...)Anyway, Cosmo is now 16 weeks old (4…

    Please help me with training my puppy?

    About two months ago we adopted what we thought was an 8 week old Beagle that was saved from being gassed at a shelter (he might be an American Foxhound though, we aren't sure as he's a bit bigger than a Beagle...)Anyway, Cosmo is now 16 weeks old (4…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Please help me with training my puppy?...

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    • Please help me with training my puppy?

      Please help me with training my puppy? Dog Breed Discussions
      About two months ago we adopted what we thought was an 8 week old Beagle that was saved from being gassed at a shelter (he might be an American Foxhound though, we aren't sure as he's a bit bigger than a Beagle...)Anyway, Cosmo is now 16 weeks old (4 months) and we are still having issues with potty training.Sometimes he will hold it and go outside but other times he'll run to a corner and just squat. I know this is normal for puppies, but he doesn't give any warning that he's about to have an accident inside. He only barks when he's playing or after I scold him for peeing in the house. How do I make him bark before he urinates/poops inside?And how should I react when he DOES go in the house? Every time he goes outside to do his business, I give him a dog treat and praise him enthusiastically. But when he goes inside, I tell him "no" and he simply barks back at me as though I'm playing with him. What should I do?Other than those things, he's a very good dog - great around people and already knows how to fetch and sit.

      Please help me with training my puppy?

      Please help me with training my puppy? Dog Breed Discussions
    • When ever he goes outside to do his buissiness, take the leash with him. He will get used to the leash so whenever he needs to go, he will go to his leash

    • Do not let him free in the house until he is reliable. This means that he needs to either be confined to a crate or tied to you on a leash. This way he will learn to tell you that he must go outside and you will learn to listen when he tells you. Training like this only takes about two weeks to make you and the puppy reliable.

    • I had to rebreak a kennel dog with the same issue. Scolding will let him know he's behaving inappropriate but whats always gotten the job done for me is watching them and there behavior. Took me about a week of watching every move and preventing her from any privacy to mess up with my recent dog I adopted(1 yr old boxer/pit).... you'll figure him out and not have wasted walks and a musty funk in the house.

    • I suggest taking him out to pee more regularly. Take him out once each hour when you are home. I suggest putting a bell by the door and ringing the bell every time you take him out to pee, then teach him to ring the bell by pawing at it or nudging it with his nose. Soon, he will start nudging it when he has to go pee and you will hear a bell ring, so you will know to let him out. If you catch him peeing in the house and he is within reach, pick him up and he probably will stop peeing, then take him outside immediately and let him finish outside. If you don't catch him in the act but see the mess later, don't scold him or anything and just clean up the mess, because he won't remember why he is being scolded. If you catch him in the act but are too far away to do anything, say "HEY" in a loud and stern voice and clap your hands. This should work. Don't worry, these things take time, and if he HIS a beagle, remember they're very hard to train and require a lot of patience. I hope this helps :D

    • Does he keep going in the same corner? you need to get some natures Miracle and get all the urine smell out because if they smell pee they will keep going there. Get a routine of when he goes out like when you get home, after dinner etc then he will get in the routine and know he can "hold it" because he will be going out at this "time" soon. Also try a baby gate and keep him in a smaller area without carpet until he gets his routine down. My 10 month old Border Collie hasn't gone in the house at all for a VERY long time shes got the routine down.

    • If he only goes in the corners when he goes inside you could spray them with vinegar until he is completely potty trained, it will help to discourage him. And it is good that you are praising him when he goes outside. When he goes inside say NO, very loudly and look angry at him. Also after doing so turn away from him and ignore him for a while so he gets the point. But NEVER NEVER hit him. If you see him starting to go or already going inside, pick him up and try get him outside a fast as you can. Then praise him.You could also try to take him out more often since he is still somewhat young. Good Luck and I hope this helped! XD