Do Dogs get colds? Mine has been coughing for 2 days now?

We just got a dog, never been a dog owner before. She's a 6 month old American Foxhound, I think! (medium sized dog). She just got fixed a week ago. Anyway, she has been coughing and coughing and throwing up a little for about 2 days now. She does eat…

    Do Dogs get colds? Mine has been coughing for 2 days now?

    We just got a dog, never been a dog owner before. She's a 6 month old American Foxhound, I think! (medium sized dog). She just got fixed a week ago. Anyway, she has been coughing and coughing and throwing up a little for about 2 days now. She does eat…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Do Dogs get colds? Mine has been coughing for 2 days now?...

    • Do Dogs get colds? Mine has been coughing for 2 days now?

      Do Dogs get colds? Mine has been coughing for 2 days now? Dog Breed Discussions
      We just got a dog, never been a dog owner before. She's a 6 month old American Foxhound, I think! (medium sized dog). She just got fixed a week ago. Anyway, she has been coughing and coughing and throwing up a little for about 2 days now. She does eat anything since she's a I thought maybe she had something stuck in her throat. So I put her outside and fed her a bunch of food and water, knowing she would throw it up. I was hoping if she had something stuck in her throat, it would come back up. But no....she seems to just have a bad cough. What can be done about this?

      Do Dogs get colds? Mine has been coughing for 2 days now?

      Do Dogs get colds? Mine has been coughing for 2 days now? Dog Breed Discussions
    • She got altered about a week ago, which is about the time it takes for kennel cough to present itself. Is it a dry, hacking cough that sounds like the dog might just keel over and die? If so, it is indeed kennel cough. It is a virus, so you just have to let it run its course, but she shouldn't have any lingering affects.

    • Take her to the vet to make sure she is okay... better be safe then sorry. I don't know if being in the vet she could have got kennel cough. And that gets worse my lab had it they gave him antibiotics and he was just fine!! Best of luck. Hope she feels better =]

    • Sounds like bordetella (kennel cough). Highly contagious and can be serious if not treated by a vet. Antibiotics usually clear it up. Even if your puppy was vaccinated, there are so many strains that she could still have picked it up from a pet store, park, vets office. Get her to the vet and get her on meds and she should be fine soon. If she hasn't been vaccinated for kennel cough, you have to wait till she gets well. Your vet can tell you when would be a good time.

    • If she came from like a rescue center and she got fixed a week ago its normal. All animals from the rescue center get little colds, so dont worry. I would just keep feeding her like u would if nothing was wrong. But if it lasts for more than a week wihtout getting better you should take her to the vet...hope this helps! :)

    • when i first got my dog it was like 1 month and we thought she was sick so we took her too the vet and it was could be nothing or it could be something so i would take her to the vet just to be sure. and since its your first dog you really don't quite understand what dogs are like until you have had it for about a couple of years so i would definitely say take it to the vet. it sounds like Kennel Cough because when my family was looking for a dog there was one we liked but it had that and it sounds like what you are describing.good luck and congrats on getting a dog =]

    • Yes dogs can get colds and algeries, but it sounds like yours has kennel cough. My puppy had it really bad. It took about a month to clear up. Make sure you take her to the vet asap to get medicine. Keep her away from other dogs because it is very contagious.

    • Everyone is right..sounds like kennel cough! You can use a cool mist humidifier in the room where the dogs sleeps to help until you get her to the Vet. Good Luck to you both!!