To pet or not to pet. That is the question!?

I am the single owner to two dogs and we have lived together for 1.5 years. Sugoi is a black Lab/pit mix and I had him for almost three years. Shepherd is an American Foxhound mix. Both are males and I think Shepherd is older, but their ages are…

    To pet or not to pet. That is the question!?

    I am the single owner to two dogs and we have lived together for 1.5 years. Sugoi is a black Lab/pit mix and I had him for almost three years. Shepherd is an American Foxhound mix. Both are males and I think Shepherd is older, but their ages are…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : To pet or not to pet. That is the question!?...

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    • To pet or not to pet. That is the question!?

      To pet or not to pet. That is the question!? Dog Breed Discussions
      I am the single owner to two dogs and we have lived together for 1.5 years. Sugoi is a black Lab/pit mix and I had him for almost three years. Shepherd is an American Foxhound mix. Both are males and I think Shepherd is older, but their ages are unknown. They very lovable, polite and easy going. I give them lots of attention, but it seems Sugoi is a bit neurotic and needy.If I pet/scratch Shepherd Sugoi will immediately come over from where ever he is and weasel in between Shepherd and I. He'll be insistent and want his petting too!My question is this:What should my reaction be when Sugoi muzzles in on Shepherd's belly/back time?I always scratch them both when he does this, but now I'm thinking that me the wrong thing to do.What do y'all think?

      To pet or not to pet. That is the question!?

      To pet or not to pet. That is the question!? Dog Breed Discussions
    • I had a dog that did that and I'd tell them "Mommies have two hands so they can pet two doggies at a time". Some dogs are just needier, or sometimes its a little jealousy.If you feel its an issue, take them outside or on a walk or into a room behind a closed door, one at a time, for some one-on-one time.

    • My dogs do the same thing. I try to give balanced amounts of affection and time with each dog, so neither will think they are the top dog. So when Meya pushes in I will continue to pet Oscar for a little and then turn and pet her for a while. My dogs are small though so I can easily pet them both at the same time, so if Meya isn't being pushy I can give two belly rubs at once.

    • No you shouldn't give Sugoi attention if he has muzzled in on you like that.My newest boy does that when I am giving attention to my b*tch and I make him stand back and wait until I am ready. It is a sign of dogs growing up with a one dog household.Google NILIF and this will explain that if you have a pushy dog, then you shouldn't pet them even if on their own and come up to you like that, let alone when it is because they are trying to weasel in front of another.Have a read of the NILIF training and you'll understand.

    • I have two dogs too. In my opinion, the dog should not be the one to decide who i am supposed to pet. So if one gets jealous and tries to weasel in, i would send him away. when i am done with the dog i was petting, i will pet the weasel, if he is sitting somewhere nice and calm.

    • I agree with Lorraine's answer. don't pet or give attention to sugoi if he muzzles in you, as if you pet him while muzzling its rewarding him to do muzzling. He needs to learn to wait for his turn to get his belly rubbed. But remember treat them both on equals