How to keep my dog from barking at other dogs during our walks?

My dog is about 2 years old, female, spayed, and overall very sweet. She was found dumped in the country by my dad's house when she was just a puppy. She grew up with 2 other dogs and a mess of farm animals. She is some type of hound mix, we think…

    How to keep my dog from barking at other dogs during our walks?

    My dog is about 2 years old, female, spayed, and overall very sweet. She was found dumped in the country by my dad's house when she was just a puppy. She grew up with 2 other dogs and a mess of farm animals. She is some type of hound mix, we think…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How to keep my dog from barking at other dogs during our walks?...

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    • How to keep my dog from barking at other dogs during our walks?

      How to keep my dog from barking at other dogs during our walks? Dog Breed Discussions
      My dog is about 2 years old, female, spayed, and overall very sweet. She was found dumped in the country by my dad's house when she was just a puppy. She grew up with 2 other dogs and a mess of farm animals. She is some type of hound mix, we think possibly American Foxhound but it is hard to say really.We have had her just a couple months and she has been such a sweetheart. She knows most commands, but usually won't do any unless she wants to (usually for a treat). She doesn't bark at home unless to alert us of something, but not in an annoying way. The problem: I love to take her for walks, but everytime we pass another dog she goes crazy barking at them. Her tail wags the whole time, but if I introduce her to the dog she tries to jump on top of them. My guess is she wants to play but wants to be dominate, but I'm no expert. She has a dog friend she plays nicely with and we've introduced her to other dogs she plays nicely with them, after the jump on top thing is over.

      How to keep my dog from barking at other dogs during our walks?

      How to keep my dog from barking at other dogs during our walks? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Theres a few things you can try..First try hitting your leg to make a sound to get her attention. Also try curving...When you see another dog curve wide around them to the other side of the road...then curve back...Don't give your dog a reaction when she is barking wait until she does something else the second she does this then give her attention.. Right now when you say something to her or you pull her while she is barking and such you are telling her that its ok to be doing this..when you give her teh attention while she stops then you are reinforcing to her that its only ok when she is calm... But you must do it everytime.. If you don't then she will go right back to teh way she was. It will take time and paitence. It takes longer to teach a dog not to do something.

    • My pup does this a lot. I think your best bet is to teach her to hush when she barks at home. When she barks to let you know something at home, check what it is then say "Hush" or "no speak" or whatever you want. You can then start using these commands on walks. If she persists bring a small squirt bottle full of water, when she starts going crazy hit her quickly with a stream of the water and tell her your "hush" command. The squirt bottle works great for my dog in all areas of behavior training.

    • I had the same problem with my dog,Roxie a Pomeranian-mix.Now when I take her for her walks I reward her for not barking at other animals or people. It may take a Little while to get the point across,but be consistent with your plan. You have to let her know who the alpha female. And that is you. You can use any kind of dog treats. I use the OL' ROY brand Dinner Rounds , you can get at Wal-Mart for about $5.00 verses the smaller pkgs. of "doggie treats" for $2.00.,they want last very long and can get expensive