What is a good weight loss dog food?

I am switching my dogs food and want to find a good weight loss dog food that isn't too expensive. I have 3 dogs a beagle 40 pounds, and american foxhound 55 pounds and a rottweiler who is 136 + pounds. I was planning on feeding them canidae Platinum,…

    What is a good weight loss dog food?

    I am switching my dogs food and want to find a good weight loss dog food that isn't too expensive. I have 3 dogs a beagle 40 pounds, and american foxhound 55 pounds and a rottweiler who is 136 + pounds. I was planning on feeding them canidae Platinum,…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : What is a good weight loss dog food?...

    • What is a good weight loss dog food?

      What is a good weight loss dog food? Dog Breed Discussions
      I am switching my dogs food and want to find a good weight loss dog food that isn't too expensive. I have 3 dogs a beagle 40 pounds, and american foxhound 55 pounds and a rottweiler who is 136 + pounds. I was planning on feeding them canidae Platinum, but it only comes in 30 pound bags and is 43.00 for a 30 pound bag. I am looking for anyone who uses a good dog food for weight loss and comes in large 40 + pound bags.The dog food I am feeding them right now I don't like, I am feeding them Purina Dog chow which I know is not good food for them, so I want to change that.

      What is a good weight loss dog food?

      What is a good weight loss dog food? Dog Breed Discussions
    • What you feed them doesn't matter...what matters is the number of calories you give them per day and the amount of exercise they get.Most dog foods no longer come in 40 pound bags. It sounds like you're trying to save some cash, though, so I will tell you that Diamond Naturals Lamb & Rice is economical, as is Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover's Soul. If you live near a CostCo, their Kirkland is a decent brand. NutriSource has a newer grain free that is good, and if you have access to Tractor Supply Company, their 4Health isn't bad, either.EDIT: Thanks for the TD...though I didn't say anything bad about Purina Dog Chow, the "evidence" against it is your own dogs' tolerance of it. My own dogs were FAR from top condition when I fed it, and I fed it for years. After switching my dogs to a better food, ear infections stopped. Coat condition was incredibly improved. My oldest dog seemed to age in reverse-I saw a huge increase in energy, and his cloudy eyes, which I assumed were from age cleared up and were again bright. The two overweight dogs lost weight. Hot spots stopped occurring. I would never recommend the food to anyone after the results I saw in my own dogs. Some dogs do fine on it, I'm sure, but there are many better options, including other Purina foods. I can absolutely testify that my own dogs, as well as the dogs of friends and family that I know have switched from it have done much better without it than they did on it. The food I feed now is California Natural-another food made by a large corporation...and it is a much better food for all of my dogs.One more food that the asker may want to consider is PMI Exclusive Lamb & Rice...it's a little less money than the Canidae, and one I can say that I have seen dogs' condition improve on. I am not one of those people who believe that grains are fillers-I understand the value of them, and I don't feed grain-free or high protein myself, but I can say that the formulation for Purina Dog Chow is NOT ideal.

    • There is nothing wrong with Purina dog Chow except it is inexpensive and made by a large company. That is enough for many that ignore evidence when making decisions. Yes it is a little bulkier than foods with less grain. However, if you are cutting back on food, your dogs should appreciate the the extra volume. I would continue it, just a little less.