Why does getting a bath make my dog crazy?

What is it about soap and water that makes my dog act like a crack addict? She'll tear around the house running non-stop for about 30 minutes after tub time.

    Why does getting a bath make my dog crazy?

    What is it about soap and water that makes my dog act like a crack addict? She'll tear around the house running non-stop for about 30 minutes after tub time....
    Dog Breed Discussions : Why does getting a bath make my dog crazy?...

    • Why does getting a bath make my dog crazy?

      Why does getting a bath make my dog crazy? Dog Breed Discussions
      What is it about soap and water that makes my dog act like a crack addict? She'll tear around the house running non-stop for about 30 minutes after tub time.

      Why does getting a bath make my dog crazy?

      Why does getting a bath make my dog crazy? Dog Breed Discussions
    • She probably feels really great after her bath..........just like humans! Don't you feel good and refreshed after your bath? Although you probably don't run around the house like a maniac. Either that or she's just relieved to be out of that tub!

    • LOL, that sounds like my foxhound, Gary. Boy....he will leap into any lake, pond, swimming pool....but put him in the laundry tub and he acts like I am soaking him in battery acid. Then he runs around, rolling on the carpet, or grass or where ever!Here's the cause of the behavior...1) Stress release.2) Dealing with the weird sensation of having oils removed from skin and fluffy hair from bathing.3) To help them dry off and groom (in their little mind's eye)Dogs usual do they same thing after swimming for a while in pools, lakes or ponds FYI so your baby is not crazy. Well I mean no more than my Gary is and thousands upon thousands of other dogs.Very, VERY rarely can a dog not have the ability to swim.