What dog breed can keep up with a horse within 30 miles?

what kind of dog can keep up with a horse running 30 miles per hour? my sister wants to know.

    What dog breed can keep up with a horse within 30 miles?

    what kind of dog can keep up with a horse running 30 miles per hour? my sister wants to know....
    Dog Breed Discussions : What dog breed can keep up with a horse within 30 miles?...

    • What dog breed can keep up with a horse within 30 miles?

      What dog breed can keep up with a horse within 30 miles? Dog Breed Discussions
      what kind of dog can keep up with a horse running 30 miles per hour? my sister wants to know.

      What dog breed can keep up with a horse within 30 miles?

      What dog breed can keep up with a horse within 30 miles? Dog Breed Discussions
    • no dog can keep up with a horse for a long period of time adn that fast, as far as i knowbut grey hounds are pretty amazing at 72km/hr(these are racing dogs)its pretty hard to get a former racing dog or train onebut if youo have and eager dog with lanky legs and not verweightyou can persuade it to try to keep up witha horsebut a precaution is for the dog to run beside it in case the horse tramples it

    • While they probably couldn't keep up with a horse running full out, Dalmations were bred to run along the side of coaches and can run at a good pace for a long time. Even a horse can't keep up a full run for extended periods of time.

    • Well, some fast dogs include the whippet, the Italian Greyhound, the Greyhound, the Saluki.The real answer to your question, however it the Greyhound. The greyhound is not only the fastest dog in the world, but the second fastest animal, and is bested in speed only by a cheetah.(it also depends what kind of horse you are talking about)

    • generally any sight hound could keep up, this may include sighthound mixes (often referred to as lurcher hounds) These sighthounds include: greyhounds, saluki, whippet, Italian greyhound, etc. Some breeds of dog were bred to keep up with horses. The Dalmatian is one of them. Although not all scenthounds have the ability some were bred to run with horses. Foxhounds (american and english), Beagles, and simlar scenthounds with deeper chests and a lithe body keep up well on the trail.My lurcher keeps up with my thoroughbred and outraced my truck going 35 mph. The beagle keeps up well with the horse.