Is a dachshund a good dog to choose if you have young children?

I have 3 children, 6 and 4 1/2 year old twins. I love dachshunds and weimaraners. would either of these be good choices?

    Is a dachshund a good dog to choose if you have young children?

    I have 3 children, 6 and 4 1/2 year old twins. I love dachshunds and weimaraners. would either of these be good choices?...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Is a dachshund a good dog to choose if you have young children?...

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    • Is a dachshund a good dog to choose if you have young children?

      Is a dachshund a good dog to choose if you have young children? Dog Breed Discussions
      I have 3 children, 6 and 4 1/2 year old twins. I love dachshunds and weimaraners. would either of these be good choices?

      Is a dachshund a good dog to choose if you have young children?

      Is a dachshund a good dog to choose if you have young children? Dog Breed Discussions
    • A dachshund is actually a good choice to pick for little children. I personally don't have one but, a friend of mine does. It's a male and he likes to control the house. But he is very good with children. I would say get a female dachshund, because they are easy to train. Good Luck!

    • No, a Dachshund would NOT be a good dog for you if you have young children. Many Dachies are aggressive, nippy and fearful of children who are clumsy and who don't know how to handle or live with one. You must remember that the Dachshund is a VERY small and EXTREMELY fragile dog who needs to live with OLDER people (preferably seniors) with no children unless they are grown up and know how to handle one. A young child doesn't know how to handle a small dog and will be very rough with him. Most likely your child/ren will drop him (accidentally) and that WILL cause either major health damage or death.A Weimaraner would be OK for you but you MUST teach your children how to behave around them. Again, although big dogs, Weimaraners don't like to be pestered. If you have cats, do NOT get a Weimaraner. Have you considered a breed like the Labrador Retriever? They are excellent with children of ALL ages, love being around humans and need a lot of exercise. They have a very short, easy to groom coat. He sheds a lot, though.

    • I would go with the weimeraner as daschunds are a bit more fragile, physically. I have 2 dobermans and they are absolutely bomb proof. On the other hand weimeraners are larger and therefore more likely to hurt the children accidentally. For the dogs health avoid the daschund, but for the kids health avoid the weimeraner, but the kids will heal but the daschund mightnt.

    • well dachshunds can do well with children is they are raised with them and the children are taught to respect the dog. Im assuming with 3 children u are very busy so a weimaraner would NOT be a good choice for you. WHen chosing a dog make sure u check their history. For ex Weimaraners are field hunting dogs, that are extremely active and will become destructive if their needs are not met. They need to be out on an acreage where they can do what is in thier blood, run!A Dachshund may be a better a choice they dont require as much activity , but watch the kids around the puppy, they can be snappy!

    • No!! Please don't do that! Dachshunds are sweet, but can nip if scared, and they have VERY weak backs- young children can very very easily injure or kill a Doxie by overstressing it's spine (hugging, dropping, grabbing for it, etc.). That's a very bad idea. Weimaraners are very high strung, anxious dogs that need constant exercise to be happy- and with three kids, I get the feeling you won't be taking him for 2-3 hours of walks per day.Here are some breeds that do excellent with small children, please consider one of these instead (or go to your local shelter- mutts have wonderful temperments!) :Boxer, Lab, Golden Retriever, St. Bernard, Newfoundland, Staffordshire Terrier, Pit bull Terrier, Foxhound, Belgian Malinois, German Shepherd, Bloodhound, Bullmastiff, Rottweiler, Great Dane, Irish Wolfhound, Standard Poodle, Pointer.Think large, sturdy, calm breeds. You want to avoid:Toy breeds- too delicate for small children, and too nippy.Pug-nosed breeds- they can overheat if being chased around or have tracheal collapses.Most herding breeds- corgies, cattle dogs, border collies, australian shepherds, etc. can be very pushy and nippy because they try to 'herd' children around.Sled dogs- also nippy and dominating, they are very pack oriented and try to establish a pecking order.Good luck! And please don't choose a breed just because you like them- consider the welfare of the dog and choose one that fits properly into your lifestyle.

    • I don't know much about dachsunds, but I do know that beagles are GREAT with kids. We found a stray beagle and she had six puppies. We had to give all but one away- but two weeks ago the 1 1/2 year old puppy was getting aggressive with her mother. We gave her away to someone who took one of our other pups. Anyway, please go to these sites. They will become very helpful to you. three are VERY nice sites. I found the best of the best for you. My personal favorite is the third site (if you're trying to find a good dog) and the first sit eif you want information on a specific breed.Good Luck!

    • Weimaraners are known to be boisterous and nervous, and although they tend to be loyal to their family members, their excitable traits can be a challenge when young children are involved. They may simply be too high-spirited to play nicely with the kids. On the other hand, they're very energetic and love to play, which means you have an automatic energy-consumer for rambunctious youngsters. You would just have to make sure to observe them carefully while interacting with your children.I'm personally a huge Doxie fan, and really all I can think is that they tend to be stubborn and take a good amount of training, and also because of their fairly delicate spines you have to be sure the children do not play too roughly with the dog. Most of the Dachshunds I've known have been very, very loveable dogs. With any breed, however, you should judge each dog individually. I've known many, many dogs that deviated from the stereotypical traits associated with their breed. Make sure you AND your children spend a decent amount of time with the dog before bringing it into your home to see how everyone's personalities mesh. If it doesn't seem to be kismet, move on to another dog.

    • A dachshund would not be my choice for young children, older children would be better with a dachshund, because they are very fragile with the way their bodies are shaped. I have never had one myself, but a close friend of mine does(4 actually). His dogs had puppies, and they are so fragile, they would whimper if you tried to pick them up, and the mom would start to growl. I would get something a little more friendly, like a German Shepard.

    • I wouldn't recommend either of those dogs for small children. If you really want one of those breeds wait until your kids are a little older. Weimarainers can be very protective of children, to the point of showing aggression toward YOU if they perceive anything you do as intended to harm the child. Dachshunds were not bred to be the sweet little lap dogs people seem to treat them as now. They were bred to go to ground after badgers. Most working dogs will have special issues that you have to be aware of and give outlets for the instincts that have been selected for whatever job they were selected for.

    • I have 2 dashchunds. One is an older long-hair and just recently got a new puppy (red). I would say definetly not. Dashchunds are the sweetest dogs. Very loving. Kids are too rough and they could easily be hurt. I would suggest a larger dog. I once had a chichuahua. A friend of mine dropped her.. We had to put her to sleep. Got paralysis is hind legs. Get a larger dog.

    • Absolutely...I have had 3 and will never get another dog. If you raise them not to be snippy and around the children from the beginning there is no problem. They are the smartest dogs I have ever had. The only problem is it takes a little longer to potty train then normal dogs. My dog loves children and I am 7 months pregnant with no fears of him hurting the baby at all.

    • When I was five years old, my parents got me a dachshund. His name is Henry. Anyways, he is a GREAT dog! He is like a member of the family. But anyways, the thing about dachshunds is that their not known for being smart, so if you want a dog that is easy to house train and everything think twice about getting a dachshund. But once house trained, they are so great!

    • No dachshunds are a poor choice for young children. They are very high strung can be nippy and if they are picked up the wrong way or miss handled they can end up with a life threatening back condition that could cost up to $3500.00 to correct. My best suggestion before you think about a dachshund as a pet is to read a book called Dachshunds for dummies.

    • i have 6 children and five dachshunds,they love my kids and listen better to them than they do me! they submit to my 16 month old and let him lay on them and hug them. they are great. they can have trouble house training but if you stay on top of it they will get trained. if you want more info you can email me. i also have a web site with some info links just click on the kays kennels tab and that will bring you to my doxie page where you will find the links.

    • I own dachshunds and have for many years. Also, I have family members who are Mini Dachshund breeders. Trust me, Alyssa has the best answer above. ^^^Dachshunds are wonderful pets, but they are nervous type dogs and dont like the loud noises and quick movements that children make. Also the back problem thing - they dont need to be carried around by kids. They will snap and bite kids without warning.I hope that one day you will get a dachshund - but wait until the kids are grown. - Personal experience.