What are good dogs for an apartment?

I really want a dog, but i don't know which one to get?Have any suggestions?I wont be able to take a dog out very often for exercise, only one weekends and maybe late afternoons.

    What are good dogs for an apartment?

    I really want a dog, but i don't know which one to get?Have any suggestions?I wont be able to take a dog out very often for exercise, only one weekends and maybe late afternoons....
    Dog Breed Discussions : What are good dogs for an apartment?...

    • What are good dogs for an apartment?

      What are good dogs for an apartment? Dog Breed Discussions
      I really want a dog, but i don't know which one to get?Have any suggestions?I wont be able to take a dog out very often for exercise, only one weekends and maybe late afternoons.

      What are good dogs for an apartment?

      What are good dogs for an apartment? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Toy dogs like malateses, pekinese, or yorkies are obviously probably the best choice. U dont want a great dane roaming an apartment. Bigger dogs will crowd up the place. But if you do want a bigger dog, i think you'd like a poodle a lot. Most poodles dont shed.

    • Any kind of dog would be fine for an apartment but I would suggest a small bread and don't forget to take the dog outside everyday at least three times a day for about 30 minutes to an hour or he/she will get bored and start to chewing up your furniture and clothing.

    • It really depends on how much time you want to spend exercising it. Living in an apartment is like living in a very large cage for a dog. If you are home ALOT, and it's not by its self, then that will help it not get lonely. I myself am going through babysitting a Foxhound in my apartment for the week, and it's very obvious that he deserves a large yard to roam around in. When I'm at work, he is stuck in an apartment with no one and I can tell he gets bored. In exchange, I have been spending 2-3 hours per day getting him exercised and enjoying the outdoors to he stays happy and healthy. His breed was meant to hunt in packs in the "wild" country with farmers, rural settings. Try finding, oh let's say a pug or chihuahua for example, they are not meant to need huge acres of land to run around in, so they may be easier for apartment living. I think anyone of those small "paris hilton" breeds of dogs that you can easily carry are suitable, as long as you keep them happy, socialized, and exercised. GOOD LUCK!!!

    • I have a chihuahua and shes great for apartment living but i suggest you buy one thats potty trained because it takes ALOT of time and dedication and you need to let it out very very often (just lke any other puppy) but yeah chihuahuas are great once they are potty trained :]