What dog breeds were there in The Middle Ages?

I want to know because I am writing a story about the middle ages and one of my characters is going to have a dog...Does anybody know what breeds there were in the middle ages??My character is the heir to the throne, so yes noble

    What dog breeds were there in The Middle Ages?

    I want to know because I am writing a story about the middle ages and one of my characters is going to have a dog...Does anybody know what breeds there were in the middle ages??My character is the heir to the throne, so yes noble...
    Dog Breed Discussions : What dog breeds were there in The Middle Ages?...

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    • What dog breeds were there in The Middle Ages?

      What dog breeds were there in The Middle Ages? Dog Breed Discussions
      I want to know because I am writing a story about the middle ages and one of my characters is going to have a dog...Does anybody know what breeds there were in the middle ages??My character is the heir to the throne, so yes noble

      What dog breeds were there in The Middle Ages?

      What dog breeds were there in The Middle Ages? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Your best shot would be a greyhound. I know that now-a-days people think that they are only good for racing, but they were once symbols of strength, endurance, and royalty.

    • What area of the world are you placing your character? What time period? Nobility? Peasant? not all breeds were everywhere in the world and not all breeds are that old. Small breeds outside of working terriers or hunting dogs were for the nobility only. Yorkies were a working breed. If this person is working class that had a dog that worked which means terrier or hunting hound. Pets were for the rich not the common man.

    • MANY dogs... MANY dogs originated in the Middle Ages, some of them even before.I guess the most popular in the Middle Ages were hounds, as hunting was very popular... Such as Bassets, Beagles, English Foxhounds, ANY hound capable to hunt in that scenario.http://www.biocrawler.com/w/images/7/77/Medieval_hounds2.pngThere you go... Good luck! :)