If my dog does not lick me sometimes does that mean he or she does not love me?

Sometimes I put my face in my dogs face and she does not lick me and ignores my but she lets me pet her.She is a German Shepard Foxhound mix. She does lick me in the morning when I wake up or when I just arrived home from school or work but all on er own…

    If my dog does not lick me sometimes does that mean he or she does not love me?

    Sometimes I put my face in my dogs face and she does not lick me and ignores my but she lets me pet her.She is a German Shepard Foxhound mix. She does lick me in the morning when I wake up or when I just arrived home from school or work but all on er own…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : If my dog does not lick me sometimes does that mean he or she does not love me?...

    • If my dog does not lick me sometimes does that mean he or she does not love me?

      If my dog does not lick me sometimes does that mean he or she does not love me? Dog Breed Discussions
      Sometimes I put my face in my dogs face and she does not lick me and ignores my but she lets me pet her.She is a German Shepard Foxhound mix. She does lick me in the morning when I wake up or when I just arrived home from school or work but all on er own terms. She does not lick me when I want her to is that normal?

      If my dog does not lick me sometimes does that mean he or she does not love me?

      If my dog does not lick me sometimes does that mean he or she does not love me? Dog Breed Discussions
    • I have two dogs and have had them all their lives. One is year the other 14 nd I can count the number of times both kissed me on two hands. some dogs just are not lickers. It doesn't mean she feels less or more for you if she licks or not.

    • None of my three dog lick...and I am glad! They are perfectly happy pups and I have no dog germs on my face or hands from their licking.Why would you want a licking dog?