Should I get a Foxhound?

Me and my family want to get a dog, but my dad said we have to get a beagle or something like that,i found one on the computer at the shelter in out town and it's a foxhound. Are they nice pets? Do they get along with cats? Do they live long? Any…

    Should I get a Foxhound?

    Me and my family want to get a dog, but my dad said we have to get a beagle or something like that,i found one on the computer at the shelter in out town and it's a foxhound. Are they nice pets? Do they get along with cats? Do they live long? Any…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Should I get a Foxhound?...

    • Should I get a Foxhound?

      Should I get a Foxhound? Dog Breed Discussions
      Me and my family want to get a dog, but my dad said we have to get a beagle or something like that,i found one on the computer at the shelter in out town and it's a foxhound. Are they nice pets? Do they get along with cats? Do they live long? Any information on them would be great.

      Should I get a Foxhound?

      Should I get a Foxhound? Dog Breed Discussions
    • The American Foxhound is sweet, affectionate, gentle and loving at home, but also a brave and intense warrior in the hunt. They are excellent with children and get along well with other dogs because of their pack-hunting background, but should not be trusted with non-canine pets. About 10-12 years

    • foxhound are not always suited for lifestyle for families and cuddling its suited for take a rifle and the shoot and what ever drops or got wounded or dead the foxhound will get it or it maybe a master of searching truffles and fox and other may also think an option as Weimaraner and pointers make excellent dogs and sport in whatever your interested . im not sure whether you have small children or not but for my opinion if you have children then boxers and golden retrievers newfoundland , try to avoid gun dogs class as there gonna run and run and wont stop for your command until he finds his bird or a cat . if you don't have children like small between the age 10 and less then you can get a foxhound as this dog wont stand rough play and will just needed to train as this dog is quite hyper and boisterous and imagine when its in the wild without a leash . you may also find a terrier, nice dogs like am staffs or pit bulls . or you can just go with the classic with a foxhound / beagle . just notice that since your gonna have a dog , enrolling in classes , buying harness and even treats may not be a surprise. it all depends on lifestyle not the style of the dog and structure.