What kind of dogs bay at the moon..what exactly does a bay sound like?

I want a dog that bays at the moon.

    What kind of dogs bay at the moon..what exactly does a bay sound like?

    I want a dog that bays at the moon....
    Dog Breed Discussions : What kind of dogs bay at the moon..what exactly does a bay sound like?...

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    • What kind of dogs bay at the moon..what exactly does a bay sound like?

      What kind of dogs bay at the moon..what exactly does a bay sound like? Dog Breed Discussions
      I want a dog that bays at the moon.

      What kind of dogs bay at the moon..what exactly does a bay sound like?

      What kind of dogs bay at the moon..what exactly does a bay sound like? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Dogs do not bay at the moon.Wolves howl at the moon.(Edit: Technically, they howl at night, but it's actually to one another. Sorry, it's late and I wasn't thinking.)Hunting dogs bay to alert hunters that they are trailing game. Beagles, foxhounds, and bloodhounds are all infamous for it. It is a very loud, repetitive, irritating howl/yodel/screaming sound that takes a lot of getting used to.

    • Good luck finding one! No dogs bay at the moon. They bay/howl/bark back and forth to other dogs, but not at the moon. A bay is like a deep, bark, but a little bit more drawn out than a bark.A bloodhound is an example of a breed that bays. But if you do find a dog that bays at the moon, let me know. I'd be pretty excited to hear about it! =]

    • Dogs don't bay at the moon. But most hound dogs will bay to alert their hunter to something, or just to hear themselves talk. Here's some good examples of a beagle bay:Just "talkin" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fx-FICtRieI&feature=related"Hey boss, I got somethin'" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQ59AIOBeHc&feature=related