What dog breeds are best for very young children?

I need a dog that is all of theses... please help!1) durable enough to go through a 2-17 year old kids!2) dogs that are good with 2-17 year old kids.3) don't shed HORRIBLYThanks! ツ

    What dog breeds are best for very young children?

    I need a dog that is all of theses... please help!1) durable enough to go through a 2-17 year old kids!2) dogs that are good with 2-17 year old kids.3) don't shed HORRIBLYThanks! ツ...
    Dog Breed Discussions : What dog breeds are best for very young children?...

    • What dog breeds are best for very young children?

      What dog breeds are best for very young children? Dog Breed Discussions
      I need a dog that is all of theses... please help!1) durable enough to go through a 2-17 year old kids!2) dogs that are good with 2-17 year old kids.3) don't shed HORRIBLYThanks! ツ

      What dog breeds are best for very young children?

      What dog breeds are best for very young children? Dog Breed Discussions
    • I would recommend a Standard Poodle. Although Poodles are commonly asociated with being pricy they are really great companion dogs with wonderful temperments. Standard Poodles are great with kids and are very agile and strong. As a plus Standard Poodles don't shed!

    • Wait until your kids are 4 years or more, or if you feel confident that they will learn proper dog etiquette (nice petting only, please!) and are willing to supervise all toddler/dog interactions. And then hit Petfinder. I don't know about your area, but with a little digging it won't be hard to find a large, medium shedding adult dog that has some training and is for sure good with kids.

    • I would recommend a beagle...check out www.brew.com to see some adoptable dogs. I take my beagle for a walk every weekend through Colonial Williamsburg, and people always come up to him and pet him. Once a two year old came up and threw his arms around my dog before I could stop him, but my dog just stood there sniffing the kid's face. He loves to run and play with other dogs and people too. They are great family dogs...mine is happiest right between me and my boyfriend when we're trying to watch a movie! And they're smallish, twenty to thirty pounds, but stocky, so they take up less room but they act and can play hard like bigger dogs.The only downside is beagles have a very strong smell...they are hounds, and hounds give off a musky scent so they can keep track of one another. But I give him a bath every couple of weeks or so, and he's fine. Beagles are average shedders...I usually run a comb through mine every other day or so just to stay ahead of the fur. But, if you're looking for a family pet, please please please consider contacting your local shelter. The people there know the dogs they have available, and they will be able to match you much better with a dog. My first dog--the family dog while I was growing up--was a mutt from the pound, and she was the perfect fit for my family. I'd also recommend an older dog--say a one or two year old dog--that way you won't be potty training a puppy while you're dealing with toddlers, and you will be able to know more about a dog's personality. Good luck!

    • well i prefer you get a big dog that has very good training skills and is really get along with children because not all the dogs do work with younger kids thats still a baby. . labrador retriever are good will all ages. theyre very protect dog and good watch dog to.these other dogs are also good with children minature poodlegrey houndgreat dane german shepherdwhippetpharaoh houndirish wolfhoundborzoiamerican foxhoundbloodhoundgolden retrieverweimaraner malinois shepherd please dont getsmall dogs they can be aggressvies toward younger kids.