Where can I find a list of dog breeds in order of price, rarity or size?

Thanks :)Ok, I thought this might happen. I am not looking to buy a dog, I am making a dog monopoly board as I love them so much, and do not worry I understand enough about dog breeds if I were to buy one. So dont tell me about how I need not buy a dog…

    Where can I find a list of dog breeds in order of price, rarity or size?

    Thanks :)Ok, I thought this might happen. I am not looking to buy a dog, I am making a dog monopoly board as I love them so much, and do not worry I understand enough about dog breeds if I were to buy one. So dont tell me about how I need not buy a dog…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Where can I find a list of dog breeds in order of price, rarity or size?...

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    • Where can I find a list of dog breeds in order of price, rarity or size?

      Where can I find a list of dog breeds in order of price, rarity or size? Dog Breed Discussions
      Thanks :)Ok, I thought this might happen. I am not looking to buy a dog, I am making a dog monopoly board as I love them so much, and do not worry I understand enough about dog breeds if I were to buy one. So dont tell me about how I need not buy a dog because of its price or rarity! :)

      Where can I find a list of dog breeds in order of price, rarity or size?

      Where can I find a list of dog breeds in order of price, rarity or size? Dog Breed Discussions
    • no such list"price" ranges can vary greatly.. it doesnt matter so much on the dog breed.. what matters is the credentials behind the dog.. for example finding one in a shelter or rescue vs buying a show dog from a reputable breeder.. big difference in price!"Rarity".. no breed is "rare".. some breeds may be more uncommon than others, or just may not be common in a particular country. There are breeds that are not popular or commonly seen here in the US, but may be more easily found in another country.

    • how about you look at the traits you want in a dog, look at dogs with that trait, pick one you like and seems most suited to your lifestyle - if that happens to be rare so be it (otherwise maybe its rare for a reason - like needs more than a pet home can offer...) then look at price (the more rare the higher the price)start by filling out this breed info selector and you will get an idea from there http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/search.htmhave to say please dont get a dog purely because its rare - you may regret that if its not well suited to your needs/care you can provide

    • www.akc.org/reg/dogreg_stats.cfm AKc puts out a list of breed by registry numbers however it does not cover breeds not registered by AKC and is deceptivly low in breeds such as the English foxhound which has its own registry.keep in mind many of the breeds in the lower number registration section are "rare" because they fit in very few homes.

    • Rarity and price really depends on the area/country... For example an American Pit Bull Terrier may be rare in the UK because there are laws against them, however they are quite common in the US. Most rare breeds are more common in their country of origin. In the US there are 4 breeders of Black Russian Terriers and one listed a pet quality puppy for $2,500. I plan on owning one someday which is why I looked into that particular breed. For simplicity I say consider what breeds are rare in your own country.You can find a list of rare breeds here- http://www.rarebreed.com/breedlist.htmlThey would be at LEAST $1,000 but then you would have to consider pet/show/working quality lines which would vary the price as well. Rare mastiffs would be considerably more pricey I'd imagine. Since it's for a game, start with the $1,000 and just take your best guess.