I switched food and my dogs are eating like pigglets now.. Normal?

I switched from nutro max to Blue buffalow. My dogs just love the stuff- But it seems they are eating more is that normal? I mean they were extreamly active this weekend. It has been less then a week since I switched, but they just hoover their food now-…

    I switched food and my dogs are eating like pigglets now.. Normal?

    I switched from nutro max to Blue buffalow. My dogs just love the stuff- But it seems they are eating more is that normal? I mean they were extreamly active this weekend. It has been less then a week since I switched, but they just hoover their food now-…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : I switched food and my dogs are eating like pigglets now.. Normal?...

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    • I switched food and my dogs are eating like pigglets now.. Normal?

      I switched food and my dogs are eating like pigglets now.. Normal? Dog Breed Discussions
      I switched from nutro max to Blue buffalow. My dogs just love the stuff- But it seems they are eating more is that normal? I mean they were extreamly active this weekend. It has been less then a week since I switched, but they just hoover their food now- I feed them three times a day, two cups at a time mixed with the wet food... So is it just because they love the foo now?

      I switched food and my dogs are eating like pigglets now.. Normal?

      I switched food and my dogs are eating like pigglets now.. Normal? Dog Breed Discussions
    • I would suppose you are right. The giant piglet (3yr old mastiff) laying beside me right now did the same thing when I switched his food when the old brand began to bore him. I still restricted him to the recommended serving so he wouldn't over eat. Now, my Foxhound on the other hand, who I think is 1/2 weasel, got hold of a bag of the new food, ripped it open and gorged his tubba butt off!!!!!

    • Make sure your dogs are the proper weight for their age. You may want to consult with your vet regarding the amount and number of feeding per day. Seems like a lot of food unless you are raising a pack of great dane puppies. You are using a good quality dog food, but check and see how much they recommend for feedings. . . their guide is once a day feeding for small breeds, twice a day for medium to large breeds. Feeding your dogs 6 cups a day would be fine if they weigh upwards of almost 200 lbs. Good Luck with them!