What's the best way to get a pitbull lab mix puppy to stop biting?

This is normal for puppies to nip when the are young, however, here are some ways to prevent and train them to stop : http://www.vitaminsforpitbulls.com/dog_training_pups.html

    What's the best way to get a pitbull lab mix puppy to stop biting?

    This is normal for puppies to nip when the are young, however, here are some ways to prevent and train them to stop : http://www.vitaminsforpitbulls.com/dog_training_pups.html...
    Dog Breed Discussions : What's the best way to get a pitbull lab mix puppy to stop biting?...

    • What's the best way to get a pitbull lab mix puppy to stop biting?

      What's the best way to get a pitbull lab mix puppy to stop biting? Dog Breed Discussions
      This is normal for puppies to nip when the are young, however, here are some ways to prevent and train them to stop : http://www.vitaminsforpitbulls.com/dog_training_pups.html

      What's the best way to get a pitbull lab mix puppy to stop biting?

      What's the best way to get a pitbull lab mix puppy to stop biting? Dog Breed Discussions
    • You shouldn't have a 6 week old dog to begin with. Puppies should not be taken away from their mothers until 8 weeks of age. Chances are the dog never learned proper bite inhibition. When that dog gets to be about 8-10 weeks enroll it in a puppy class. For now when he bites you just make a squealing noise, get up, and leave him alone. Soon he will learn that biting makes you leave. He should stop after that but it will take time.

    • I got a 6 week old pitbull lab mix puppy from my sister and I've been having a problem with him wanting to bite people. He's teething right now and I bought him a toy but the other dogs steal it from him so he only gets to play with it at night when all the dogs are in the room.. which doesn't give him enough time to get familiar with it and realize that he needs to chew on his toy and not people. What should I do?

    • I used to have one a long time ago and I would give him a sock. After he was done with the sock I would give him a little bit of milk. MILK??? Yes only give him about 1/4 cups of milk and do it every other week. This should help with his biting problem!