How do you care for a sick pitbull puppy?

How do you care for a sick pit bull puppy? First of all you take him to the vet for a proper evaluation and diagnosis. Next you pay attention to the vet, what he says to do & how to give him his medications and other directions he advises you on. After…

    How do you care for a sick pitbull puppy?

    How do you care for a sick pit bull puppy? First of all you take him to the vet for a proper evaluation and diagnosis. Next you pay attention to the vet, what he says to do & how to give him his medications and other directions he advises you on. After…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How do you care for a sick pitbull puppy?...

    • How do you care for a sick pitbull puppy?

      How do you care for a sick pitbull puppy? Dog Breed Discussions
      How do you care for a sick pit bull puppy? First of all you take him to the vet for a proper evaluation and diagnosis. Next you pay attention to the vet, what he says to do & how to give him his medications and other directions he advises you on. After that you stay in communications with your vet to report the progress of your puppy. Things will be adjusted accordingly. You want to make sure he gets into a vet right away especially if he throws up because that is how parvo starts, and many other serious illness start as well. Do not wait for him to get better. The sooner you get him he has a better chance of recovery.

      How do you care for a sick pitbull puppy?

      How do you care for a sick pitbull puppy? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Will he take water? does he try to get up at all? if he doesn't then you need a vet as soon as possible. parvo can kill in as little as 1 day. if he is acting like he wants to do stuff but is too tired then please give him chicken broth over his food tonight or let him slurp the plain broth and take him to the vet tomorrow as it could be allergy to his food, could have eaten a spider that was poisonous, could be a lot of things but broth (according to my vet) can settle a tummy and help him sleep better until he can get to the vets office. NO ACETAMINOPHEN or tylenol/advil. these can cause internal bleeding in their stomachs and kill them. go ahead and call your vet to make an appointment and ask if it would be ok to give your pup a baby chewable aspirin tonight until you can get there tomorrow.

    • Maybe he is teething and doesn't feel well ? Maybe he is eating food that isn't good? Maybe he ate too much, and now he doesn't feel well.. Maybe he is full of worms? Maybe he is just plain sick.. So many maybes... how about you go to the vet?

    • Ohhh no... if you cannot take to vet give him some pedialite to keep nutrients in system. i do hope he does not have parvo? if he gets diarriah please take to vet or shelter asap, i have lost dogs to that and it is horrible. good luck, i hope it all works out, i have a pitbull i love with all my heart...

    • SICK PITBULL = RED FLAG. Probably Parvovirus. Is he up to date on vaccs? That means boostered at 6 to 8 weeks, again 3-4 weeks after that, and then again 3-4 weeks after that. Vomiting and bloody diarrhea are common signs. Take him to the vet ASAP. Keep him away from other dogs, especially ones that are not up to date on vaccs as well. Also, do not feed until you bring to a veterinarian.

    • What I do with a problem/concern like this is go to the Vet, I never take chances with my dogs life by self-diagnosing or treatment based on anonymous on-line "Opinion". Medical issues are not "Opinion" issue.

    • Get him to the vet ASAP! Having no energy and vomiting are signs that the pup may have parvovirus. this can kill a puppy in a matter of 24 hours. A puppy having no energy is very, very serious!

    • I have a pitbull puppy who is 5 months old. Yesterday I fed him his food and about 30 minutes later he vomited all over the place. He has been sick all day and he wouldn't eat anything today. He has no energy and just sits on the couch. Somebody please help me on what I can do to make him feel better. Thanks!