How can i buy a pitbull with a certain personalti?

why on earth would you even want a pitbull. people like you just shock me everyday. a little girl in my town got savaged and almost died from a pitbull attack her life is ruined. its in their nature to attack DO NOT GET ONE PLEASE. you may think you can…

    How can i buy a pitbull with a certain personalti?

    why on earth would you even want a pitbull. people like you just shock me everyday. a little girl in my town got savaged and almost died from a pitbull attack her life is ruined. its in their nature to attack DO NOT GET ONE PLEASE. you may think you can…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How can i buy a pitbull with a certain personalti?...

    • How can i buy a pitbull with a certain personalti?

      How can i buy a pitbull with a certain personalti? Dog Breed Discussions
      why on earth would you even want a pitbull. people like you just shock me everyday. a little girl in my town got savaged and almost died from a pitbull attack her life is ruined. its in their nature to attack DO NOT GET ONE PLEASE. you may think you can control it but its in their nature its basically like owning a tiger :( so sad. no matter how 'trained' they are they can still turn on you or any innocent person..

      How can i buy a pitbull with a certain personalti?

      How can i buy a pitbull with a certain personalti? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Why do you want an aggressive pitbull? That can lead to many problems if he hurt another person. You can't buy an aggressive pitbull (unless you adopt one from a shelter). But its all in the training. This is defiantly going to be a law suit waiting to happen.

    • TrollNo pit bull should EVER be human aggressive. Its not in the breed's makeup. Only poorly bred dogs end up showing human aggression, and this aggression WILL turn on its owner. Poorly bred pit bulls are NOT safe dogs.