Why does my lab and pitbull always chew on my wood furniture?

Destructive behavior such as chewing furniture is usually a combination of things.Too much energy,boredom and opportunity.The dogs need more exercise.They need alternative options like treat filled toys,etc.They also need to have their access to the…

    Why does my lab and pitbull always chew on my wood furniture?

    Destructive behavior such as chewing furniture is usually a combination of things.Too much energy,boredom and opportunity.The dogs need more exercise.They need alternative options like treat filled toys,etc.They also need to have their access to the…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Why does my lab and pitbull always chew on my wood furniture?...

    • Why does my lab and pitbull always chew on my wood furniture?

      Why does my lab and pitbull always chew on my wood furniture? Dog Breed Discussions
      Destructive behavior such as chewing furniture is usually a combination of things.Too much energy,boredom and opportunity.The dogs need more exercise.They need alternative options like treat filled toys,etc.They also need to have their access to the furniture limited.Crates are always an option.I also hope the dogs are not being left together unsupervised:http://www.pitbull-chat.com/showthread.php?t=2779

      Why does my lab and pitbull always chew on my wood furniture?

      Why does my lab and pitbull always chew on my wood furniture? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Hi,there's nothing actually they can get from wood. They lack cellulase in their digestive tract and, consequently, they can't digest wood. So they're most probably just misbehaving.LloydBurrellPublisherwww.officedeskreviews.com

    • If they are puppies they are probably teething. If not they are probably bored. Do you give them toys to chew on? You could always spray bitter apple on the furniture. Doesn't harm the furniture and doesn't harm the dogs, just gives the dog a bitter taste so they stop chewing on the furniture.

    • NOi've had both lab and pitts before and they love chewing especially wood they always chewed the dinning chairs it's just their breed maybe you can train them not to do it yell at them to stop or just let them continue doing it, it's just a habbit they cant really help it

    • Possibly could be missing nutrients. But it also depends on how old they are, if they're young they may be getting new teeth or there might be a problem with there teeth or its just a habit of theirs. If its a habit try giving them lots of toys and keep them away from wood as much as possible.Hope this helps.