can a pitbull puppy get a long with two chihuahuas when he gets older?

i just got a month old pitbull. he gets along ok with my 1 year old chihuahua and my 5 month old chihuahua, i was wondering if they would not get along when hes older? (since they're not the same type of dogs.) will training him make it better?

    can a pitbull puppy get a long with two chihuahuas when he gets older?

    i just got a month old pitbull. he gets along ok with my 1 year old chihuahua and my 5 month old chihuahua, i was wondering if they would not get along when hes older? (since they're not the same type of dogs.) will training him make it better?...
    Dog Breed Discussions : can a pitbull puppy get a long with two chihuahuas when he gets older?...

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    • can a pitbull puppy get a long with two chihuahuas when he gets older?

      can a pitbull puppy get a long with two chihuahuas when he gets older? Dog Breed Discussions
      i just got a month old pitbull. he gets along ok with my 1 year old chihuahua and my 5 month old chihuahua, i was wondering if they would not get along when hes older? (since they're not the same type of dogs.) will training him make it better?

      can a pitbull puppy get a long with two chihuahuas when he gets older?

      can a pitbull puppy get a long with two chihuahuas when he gets older? Dog Breed Discussions
    • training makes everything better. how well trained are your chihuahua's? that's another question you need to think about. if all the dogs are neutered, spayed and well socialized and you put forth the time and effort it takes into training them, you should be just fine.male or female if left intact can both show aggressive signs.

    • Training a dog is best.. That way you have them under control. But if the dogs grow up together then I wouldn't see why not. I recently got a puppy and we have a cat outside. They love eachother. They don't have to be the same breed to get along.

    • There is a possibility that they will and a possibility that they won't. Both tend to be somewhat aggresive as well as territorial. If they are raised together from birth or when they are all young pups the chances of them getting along will be higher.

    • you know your gonna get a lot of answers saying that you need to make sure that you know what your getting into having a pitbull. it's true interesting mix of dogs. it's a possibility that they wont like eaichother but i would train the pitbull while he's young. if you wait too long he might not take on to the training. goodluck.=D

    • my brother in law had a dachsun, about a year, then got 2 pit bull pups,they have all been living together fine for about 3 years now, no issues, so i wouldnt see why not.

    • YUP! as long as you train them properly. I would do this early because pit bulls are just much stronger then your other dogs, and he may end up playing one day and get too rough( he is still young so doesn't know his own strength.) I would suggest calling a trainer and taking both younger ones to classes. and ask the trainer some ways you can get them aquainted better. Another great way to help this from happening would be to walk them all together PROPERLY on a leash. This will help them get out some energy but bond them together as a pack.

    • with proper training and veterinary care there is no reason why they can't be friends. get him neutered at 6 months to stop the overproduction of hormones that can lead to aggressive behavior. and for gods sake beware of parvo, i work at a veterinary clinic and we see unvaccinated pitbull puppies that contract the virus every day.

    • Get him neutered and yes. I actually have pits and chihuahuas so I know that it can work. But you need to keep your eye on them until you are very very sure that all is cool. In fact, there has never been a problem between mine, but I wouldn't put them in the house together if I wasn't there to monitor it. I don't think there would be intentional harm, but chis are so fragile, playtime could get out of hand. But if you don't neuter him early you will have a lot more to handle and it won't be as safe.

    • My boyfriend has a chihuahua and a pitbull puppy who is 6 months old and i am shocked to say they get a long perfectly. Coco, the pitbull is quite hyper but as she gets older she is actually getting more mellow. So I would say there is a chance that your pitbull and your chihuahuas have a good chance of getting along just fine,Coco and the Chihua- Kiniki actually mated...that'll make an interesting breed.

    • no ! it might be OK now but the pit will be playing some day with little hyper bark bark ,when pit decides to grab him up and shake shake shake! then what?accidents happen, who do u love most?

    • they will get to gether if they grow up together. the breed does not matter to much. i have a pit and she is now 4 months old and i got her when she was one month old and she gets along great with my friends chihuahua that lives with me.