I have new neighbors moving in with 2 pitbulls. How can I protect my cat?

Apparently the one pitbull has already killed its owner's girlfriend's cat. I have a two year old cat that LOVES to be outside. It makes her so happy and it would be unfair to her to keep her in; she would be miserable and she would sneak out anyway. …

    I have new neighbors moving in with 2 pitbulls. How can I protect my cat?

    Apparently the one pitbull has already killed its owner's girlfriend's cat. I have a two year old cat that LOVES to be outside. It makes her so happy and it would be unfair to her to keep her in; she would be miserable and she would sneak out anyway. …...
    Dog Breed Discussions : I have new neighbors moving in with 2 pitbulls. How can I protect my cat?...

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    • I have new neighbors moving in with 2 pitbulls. How can I protect my cat?

      I have new neighbors moving in with 2 pitbulls. How can I protect my cat? Dog Breed Discussions
      Apparently the one pitbull has already killed its owner's girlfriend's cat. I have a two year old cat that LOVES to be outside. It makes her so happy and it would be unfair to her to keep her in; she would be miserable and she would sneak out anyway. I live in a townhouse so no fences are allowed and the dogs are supposed to be on a leash but accidents happen and it would only take one time for the dog to kill my cat. What can I do??do NOT tell me to keep my cat inside. I know MY cat.do NOT tell me to keep my cat inside. She becomes neurotic when left in. It is natural and healthy for cats to be out. She doesn't go very far and is UTD on all shots and vaccines. My last cat was 18 years old whens he died if old age and was an outdoor cat all of his life.

      I have new neighbors moving in with 2 pitbulls. How can I protect my cat?

      I have new neighbors moving in with 2 pitbulls. How can I protect my cat? Dog Breed Discussions
    • You say it is unfair to keep her inside but you are being unfair to her by letting her out. Most cat owners have no idea of the dangers that are out side. Cat's are territorial and fight. When they do, that's when they catch diseases from each other, like Distemper and Feline Leukemia and Rabies. Not to mention the injuries they can sustain from being attacked by another cat, dog, raccoon or skunk. It is unfair to your neighbours, who have to pick up cat poop in their front lawn and have to listen to "outside" cats fight and carry on thru the night.All you can do to keep her safe is keep her inside. We took in an outdoor cat and she wants out all the time but we won't let her out on her own. We have a leash that we take her out on. My parents have neighbours that have cats that they only allow outside on a leash. Cats won't walk on a leash like a dog, but atleast you can keep her on your own property and know that she's safe.You wouldn't let your dog run free, so why let your cat? Not to mention, that if you contacted your town about the by-laws, it's probably against the law to let her run free. It is in my town, but the cops are too lazy to enforce it. The town would make a ton of money if they did, as they send out a newsletter every year saying it is a fine of $50 if your cat is caught outside with out being restrained.

    • I know that your cat loves to be outside. But cats can be just as happy inside as they would be outside..It is also safer..All you have to do is make sure there are high places for her, get a scratch, toys that mimic animals like feathers for birds and toy mice..You could also buy a harness and leash for her as well. This will help you from feeling so guilty. You just gotta teach her how to walk! So this way she still is able to go outside, but she is supervised..If you dont want your cat harmed by the pitbulls, then you need to keep you cat inside...If you dont, then that's your fault and your cat more than likely will be attacked by a pitbull *mainly the one thats killed a cat already*So just buy a harness and leash for the cat, so you can take it for walks and etc..and she/he still gets to go outside.

    • That;s a hard one there.Where we live there was and still is a pitbull and her pack of dogs and they have climbed; yes climbed fences to skin cats alive.They don;t care even if your there they will attack poodle was on a leash walking with me when a pitbull ran over and grabbed my dog; and shook him like a doll.I had to kick and hit this dog with a garbage can and a big stick till he finally let go.My dog almost died and had over 50stiches and they got rid of the dog; and 1 week later he was back.You must keep your cat in and call animal control and report this dog' as they can give the owner a warning to keep it on a leash or lose it.I have 2cats and i have to be outside with them for 2hours till they come in as dogs always are running wild around here ; and everywhere,,Good luck to the cats and yourself and bless you all.

    • If you don't want to keep the cat inside, there's really not much you can do. You can't control someone else's dogs. About the best you can do is to keep an eye on them and call animal control if you see them loose. Or you could move, or find the cat a safer home.

    • i live in a townhouse too with neighbors who have pit bulls. there's a privacy fence, but several unleashed dogs have tried to break through the fence to attack my cat. it sucks, bc i had the fence put up so my cat could go outside.now i'm trying to get him use to a harness. the dog leash law around here doesn't seem to be enforced at all. i'm not taking any chances. good luck.

    • Well..... since you don't want to be told to keep your cat in, what is it you want us to tell you???? The only way you are going to protect her is to keep her indoors. You can take her out with a harness and leash for walks.... Other than that....take your chances.....Oh and by the way, why was it pertinant to say that the dogs are pit bulls??? All that was important really is that the dogs have a history of killing cats. Any breed of dog can be cat agressive. Best wishes, hope for your kitties sake you do the right thing.

    • Can you put your cat in a pen when it goes out for air? Then again... the cat will be a sitting duck for a curious dog and that would be extremely stressful. Honestly, there is no solution to this problem if the cat must go out. Hopefully she is smart and the dogs are stupid. *shrug*

    • I agree that your cat needs freedom. It is the neighbours that are in the wrong. the law in most states is for dogs to be fenced in or on a leash when out. Report them but do not give them your name so the neighbours will not know it was you. Sorry to saw but those dogs are so dangerous, not just for cats but also for people. You will be doing all cats and all people in your area a favour.

    • Can you leave a window open!? Get something sturdy that she could climb but a dog can't and put it by a window. When she is outside keep the window open. Show her a few times where she can jump up and get through the window. Make sure she knows where it is! If the dog escapes and chases her, she will know she can get back into the house through the window. Always have a way for her to escape the dog. If you could even put up a tall pole with a decorative birdhouse on the top or something that would be good too because dogs can't climb poles! And maybe you should invest in a cattle prod or gun. If the dog attacks your cat he might come after you and you do not want to run out unarmed.

    • I don't know what your worried about, I don't know how the pitbulls can get into your house to get to your cats.If you truley love your cat you will keep her inside where she will be safe, happy, and healthy.it is very irresponciable to allow your cat to go out and roam around, you have to look out for what is best for your cat since your cat isn't able to make those decisions

    • All you can do is be aware and make sure you keep you cat away from that area and report all suspicious activity to animal control if you don't want to keep youre cats inside, or keep them inside when you are not at home, and just be aware and if you see those dogs out, report it as soon as possible but don't be annoying or get on the neighbors nerves. Just be dilligent!

    • If you say the dog has already killed a cat then why would you risk your cat being killed by letting her outside? Do you think her being ripped apart and in pain is better then being a little upset for a LITTLE while. She will adjust not being able to go outside. If you love your cat enough to ask for suggestions then you should do everything possible to keep your kitty safe. Would you let your kid go outside to play if you knew this dog hated kids? (I doubt it!)

    • I guess your cat will be in the same situation as all the birds in your neighborhood with a cat running about free. Cats belong in the house, mine will only sit outside with me and the door ajar so she can return, if the door is closed she freaks.

    • If you have an outdoor pet these are the chances you take. You MUST realize that by letting your cat outside that it may one day be killed. If you can deal with this fact then continue to let it out. If you cannot deal with this fact then keep it indoors. Simple as that.

    • Although I'm in favour of allowing cats outside during the daytime if the local environment is a safe one, I personally would be extremely worried if I had neighbours whose dog had already killed a cat. Any dog, regardless of breed that has already killed a cat obviously has a high predatory drive, meaning that no small animals or children would be safe if they got loose. This should be a cause for concern to other neighbours and not just yourself.Have you met the new neighbours yet? If not, it might be an idea to have a polite conversation with them explaining your concerns about how their dogs will react to your cat. (It may not even be true about their dog previously killing a cat, pitbulls do inspire fear in many people and stories get spread that are not always true). If they are decent people and responsible pet owners, they will understand your concerns and may agree to some kind of time-share arrangement whereby, they keep their dogs indoors at certain times whilst your cat is allowed out and vice versa. Obviously if they're not co-operative, then I would take that as a clear indication that your cat is in grave danger if she's allowed outside on her own. In which case you'll need to convert her to an indoor only cat or else train her to walk on a harness, and take her for walks somewhere away from the neighbourhood.