How can i tell if my new puppy is a pitbull?

I got a new puppy people are telling me it looks like a pitbull how can i tell? the adoption place said its a golden retriever and a lab mix but im not sure hes brindle and white heres a…

    How can i tell if my new puppy is a pitbull?

    I got a new puppy people are telling me it looks like a pitbull how can i tell? the adoption place said its a golden retriever and a lab mix but im not sure hes brindle and white heres a…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How can i tell if my new puppy is a pitbull?...

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    • How can i tell if my new puppy is a pitbull?

      How can i tell if my new puppy is a pitbull? Dog Breed Discussions
      I got a new puppy people are telling me it looks like a pitbull how can i tell? the adoption place said its a golden retriever and a lab mix but im not sure hes brindle and white heres a picture: another one: he is a little agressive i dont rough play with him but even though i pet him nicely and give him lots of love he still bites and growls when i pet him or cuddle him and lashes at my face sometimes. Is this ok because he is so young? what should i do?

      How can i tell if my new puppy is a pitbull?

      How can i tell if my new puppy is a pitbull? Dog Breed Discussions
    • That’s a pretty normal puppy thing. Puppies play a little rough with each other, so they think that's the right way to play with you. Start teaching him from now that’s it’s not ok to nip or show aggression towards you, but do so gently and don’t make him afraid of you. Teach him the kinds of games that ARE ok, like with balls and squeaky toys. He will grow out of the rough behavior if you guide him away from it. It definitely doesn’t look like a Golden/Lab mix. Neither breed has ears or a face that looks anything like that. It looks like Pit mix, or yes, it could be a full Pit.

    • Awww... so cuteI'm not sure if he has pit in him, though he does look like it.He definatly doesn't have any golden retriever, but he could have some lab..and he's still young, just buy him lots of teething toys..

    • well, this is Roxy, my lab x staffie when she was about 5 mnths. can see a little resemblance in your doggy when Roxy was 8 weeks. She's definetely crossed with a lab but im not too sure about Pit....

    • He looks like a pitbull mix, black lab maybe. If you look at his face you can tell by the shape of the nose that there's definetly some pit bull. Tell him to stop/no when he bites and growls and stop playing with him/giving him attention when he acts that way.

    • Most likely not a lab/golden mix. He may have some pit bull in him, but at his age it really is too hard to tell. As for him growling at you and lashing at your face, that is not ok. You need to correct him when he does that. It may seem cute and innocent now, but in a couple months, it won't be cute anymore and he'll be confused as to why you don't like him doing that anymore. Congatulations on your new puppy.

    • puppies play rough but don't allow him to snap at you . bite him back and establish dominance . as far as pit bull its a generic term used for many dogs and mixes in the bull dog family which include Danes, mastiffs and American bulldogs etc. When renting a new place I call my pit an American bull dog because of the negative connotations with pit bulls. remember there is no bad dog just bad owners and bad training