How do you effectively make a pitbull release its lockjaw?

our pitbull attacked our boxer a couple weeks ago and had a death grip on her neck. me and 3 other grown men could not get her off no matter how hard we tried. she only released after my sister threw a glass of water on her face and startled her. is…

    How do you effectively make a pitbull release its lockjaw?

    our pitbull attacked our boxer a couple weeks ago and had a death grip on her neck. me and 3 other grown men could not get her off no matter how hard we tried. she only released after my sister threw a glass of water on her face and startled her. is…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How do you effectively make a pitbull release its lockjaw?...

    • How do you effectively make a pitbull release its lockjaw?

      How do you effectively make a pitbull release its lockjaw? Dog Breed Discussions
      our pitbull attacked our boxer a couple weeks ago and had a death grip on her neck. me and 3 other grown men could not get her off no matter how hard we tried. she only released after my sister threw a glass of water on her face and startled her. is there any other quick effective ways you know of to stop it?

      How do you effectively make a pitbull release its lockjaw?

      How do you effectively make a pitbull release its lockjaw? Dog Breed Discussions
    • There are such things as break sticks, but this is why you should be so careful with pit bulls and other dogs. They're notorious for dog-dog aggression and that combined with their strength means they can cause a lot of damage.There is also no such thing as lock jaw. They just have the strength of a dog much bigger than them and can be as stubborn as terriers.

    • take your hand, and cover its nose with your inner palm. if they cannot breathe.....they wont remain .locked...make sure the mouth is closed so their is no air flowing in their mouth.....if there is.....take some cloth and wrap it around the mouth and nose.....stop the air flow...they cannot breathe out of their earsjean

    • One way to separate two dogs is to have two people. Each person grabs the hind legs of one of the dogs and drag them apart, though you have to circle a little to keep them from turning around and attacking you. This breaks their balance so they can't hold on as well. But if the glass of water worked then I would try that first next time. But seriously, these dogs should be separated forever. Good Luck!

    • There is no such thing as "lockjaw". Pit Bulls( note correct spelling)have strong jaws, their jaws don't lock. The only thing to do is to separate your Pit from your Boxer at all times. Seeing as you can't even spell PIT BULL I doubt you know that pits are DOG AGGRESSIVE by nature and if you can not control one then you do not need them in a home with other animals. My pit lives with 2 small dogs and nothing like this has ever happened with mine.

    • Your pit bull should NOT be attacking anything. Anyways, if you really need too, as gross as it sounds, shove your finger up her asshole. I know you're going to think i'm just an idiot troll, but it works. There's also something called a taser. But keep your dog from attacking things in the first place.

    • This dog will attack the Boxer again and next time will probably kill it. You need to keep these dogs separated at all times.For heavens sake don't take the very bad advice by Milkweed. It will result in you getting a very badly injured hand. Very dangerous, stupid advice indeed.

    • I'm so glad someone else agrees with me about milkweeds advice!!. You should never put your hands near a biting dog's face or mouth. Pulling the back legs from under them is one of the safer ways to break up the dogs. And I also agree that these dogs should be kept separate. Next time u and the boxer might not be so lucky!!!

    • Quick thinking by your sister, who obviously has more brains than the three of you put together.Lockjaw? LMFAO! This is a total myth spread by the morons that think owning a pit bull compensates for undersized male genitalia and post-pubescent acne. This is the only thing that will make a dog lock its jaw: